Improving the Security of OpenPGP USB Token with a Secure Chipa project by biergaizi OpenPGP Card is an ISO/IEC 7816-4 compatible smartcard that is integrated with many OpenPGP functions, including signature, encryption, and authentication. It provides an trustful computing environment isolated from the host computer, to guard one's private keys from attacks and exposures. ZetiControl in Germany is the first manufacturer of OpenPGP Card based on BasicCard platform. Since then, compatible USB tokens have also been manufactured, such as Yubikey and Nitrokey. |
Add u-boot support for banana-pi r2a project by mbrugger Banana-pi R2 has quite a good upstream support in the kernel, but lacks a u-boot support. |
work on sunxi a64 cpufreq driver (for teres-1, pine64)an idea by mbrugger With the teres-1 [1] laptop we have a first arm64 device we could use as end-users. Much work to run mainline kernel + u-boot was done already. But power consumption of the laptop is not optimal (~2 hours of battery life time). |
Mainline Sunplus Plus1 SP7021 kernel for Banana Pi F2Sa project by a_faerber The recent Banana Pi BPI-F2S board features a new Arm SoC SP7021 by Sunplus, which is not yet supported in mainline Linux. |
bare metal openQA for arm boardsa project by mbrugger |
Add Graphics Mode to WozManiaan invention by e_bischoff Project description |
Install BLOB-less U-Boot in SPI of Pine64 ROCKPro64 and boot from NVMe diska project by clanig Project DescriptionThis project is about installing a fully open source ARM machine. It was not originally a Hack Week project and some information gathering was already done before. |
USB security key running embedded Linuxan invention by dmdiss Project Description |