Try to use Jenkins 2.0 CI environments to trigger jobs which running in openQA
Topic 1: Keep learning Jenkins CI jenkinsci
Topic 2: Learn the Oliver's hackweek topic
Topic 3: Monitor a repository once new image was included
Topic 4: Trigger the openQA jobs via Jenkins
Topic 5: ...etc.
Looking for hackers with the skills:
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Hack Week 14
over 8 years ago by bchou | Reply
Thanks for helps :) Cowork with XGWang about Jenkins hacks and discuss the openQA questions with okurz and WeiJiang.
Hackweek Result: (Target is achieved)
- 1. use [ScriptTrigger] - Poll with a shell or batch script in Jenkins
Monitor the repository in our office(http://$server-ipaddres/iso/) once a new image was included in the repo. Thanks XGWang to Re-write a to do this job.
$python /home/john/ -u http://$server-ipaddres/iso/SLE12-SP2/ -p SLE-12-SP2-Server
- 2. use Build item(Execute shell) in Jenkins
Run the openQA script here.
cat ${WORKSPACE}/SLE-12-SP2-Server
$/usr/share/openqa/script/client --apikey xxx --apisecret yyy isos post ISO=${ISO} DISTRI=sle VERSION=12-SP2 FLAVOR=Server-DVD ARCH=x8664 HDDSIZEGB=20 QEMUCOMPRESSQCOW2=1 TEST=sles12sp2image_make
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