We started the SUSE Musician's Space several Hackweeks ago, out of which we spawned the SUSE band, now known as SUSE LOUD.

Since there are a lot of musicians in SUSE, not all rock musicians, we decided to see whether we could get some other music projects off the ground during this Hackweek.

If you play an instrument or sing, come and join us, whichever your genre is.

We have a mailing list musicians@suse.de where we will keep you updated with music events and practices.

We had an initial meeting on Wed 8th Nov at 12:30 in NUE-Conf-Rome where we discussed some new ideas and decided to get together to get some of these ideas off the ground during Hackweek. Please find the different projects listed here:


If you want to join one of the projects, add your name to corresponding musical project in the etherpad, subscribe to the mailing list and come along to the rehearsal.

Have a lot of funk!

Looking for hackers with the skills:

Nothing? Add some keywords!

This project is part of:

Hack Week 16


  • almost 7 years ago: aspiers liked this project.
  • almost 7 years ago: bmwiedemann joined this project.
  • almost 7 years ago: sndirsch joined this project.
  • almost 7 years ago: m_meister liked this project.
  • almost 7 years ago: m_meister joined this project.
  • almost 7 years ago: simotek joined this project.
  • almost 7 years ago: bchou liked this project.
  • almost 7 years ago: cachen liked this project.
  • almost 7 years ago: TBro liked this project.
  • almost 7 years ago: kbaikov joined this project.
  • almost 7 years ago: kbaikov liked this project.
  • almost 7 years ago: dmaiocchi liked this project.
  • almost 7 years ago: bmaryniuk joined this project.
  • almost 7 years ago: imanyugin joined this project.
  • almost 7 years ago: yi joined this project.
  • almost 7 years ago: TBro joined this project.
  • almost 7 years ago: rmax joined this project.
  • almost 7 years ago: ta-ro joined this project.
  • almost 7 years ago: jctmichel started this project.
  • almost 7 years ago: jctmichel liked this project.
  • almost 7 years ago: jctmichel originated this project.

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