Project Description

It's time to learn a bit more about best practices in service management organization. This includes especially Service Level Agreements and the creation of a Service Catalog.

Goal for this Hackweek

  • read the book about the IT-Servicekatalog
  • Check other documentation
  • research, if there are already good implementations of a service catalog (like, for example, here)
  • check, if there is an existing Open Source project (like Open Service Catalog Manager?) and if it fulfills the requirements
  • finally: refresh my ITIL knowledge ;-)


Looking for hackers with the skills:

itil servicecatalog

This project is part of:

Hack Week 21


  • about 2 years ago: lrupp started this project.
  • about 2 years ago: lrupp added keyword "itil" to this project.
  • about 2 years ago: lrupp added keyword "servicecatalog" to this project.
  • about 2 years ago: lrupp originated this project.

  • Comments

    • hennevogel
      about 2 years ago by hennevogel | Reply

      I really enjoyed reading Implementing Service Level Objectives

      • lrupp
        about 2 years ago by lrupp | Reply


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