
This Hackweek project aims to enhance Warewulf’s capabilities by adding iSCSI support, enabling both remote boot and flexible mounting of iSCSI devices within the filesystem. The project, which already handles NFS, DHCP, and iPXE, will be extended to offer iSCSI services as well, centralizing all necessary services for provisioning and booting cluster nodes.


  • iSCSI Boot Option: Enable nodes to boot directly from iSCSI volumes
  • Mounting iSCSI Volumes within the Filesystem: Implement support for mounting iSCSI devices at various points within the filesystem



  • add generic framework to handle remote ressource/filesystems to wwctl [ ]
  • add iSCSI handling to wwctl configure [ ]
  • add iSCSI to dracut files [ ]
  • test it [ ]

Looking for hackers with the skills:

pxe golang bare-metal iscsi ipxe initrd

This project is part of:

Hack Week 24


  • 14 days ago: michals liked this project.
  • 15 days ago: andreabenini liked this project.
  • 20 days ago: mslacken joined this project.
  • 21 days ago: ncuralli added keyword "pxe" to this project.
  • 21 days ago: ncuralli added keyword "golang" to this project.
  • 21 days ago: ncuralli added keyword "bare-metal" to this project.
  • 21 days ago: ncuralli added keyword "iscsi" to this project.
  • 21 days ago: ncuralli added keyword "ipxe" to this project.
  • 21 days ago: ncuralli added keyword "initrd" to this project.
  • 21 days ago: ninopaparo liked this project.
  • 21 days ago: ncuralli started this project.
  • 21 days ago: ncuralli originated this project.

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