Hack robotic vacuum cleaneran invention by frantisek.simorda DescriptionGet rid of factory cloud integration of robotic vacuum cleaner and install Valetudo |
Contribute to crust-gatheran invention by tneau Descriptioncrust-gather is a great tool to collect state information on a Kubernetes cluster, to be later able to serve it offline. This eases troubleshooting of CI workflows on cloud-native apps. |
Get used to IM Bots (Telegram)an invention by holgisms DescriptionI'd like to send regular information to IM channels. So I thought I'll look into bots to do that in an automated fashion. Looks like Telegram is a easy place to start. |
Make more sense of openQA test results using AIan invention by livdywan DescriptionAI has the potential to help with something many of us spend a lot of time doing which is making sense of openQA logs when a job fails. |
Analyse & write up details of third year of operation of my battery & solar PV systeman invention by tserong Description |
gnome-kiosk runs in containeran invention by xiaoguang_wang DescriptionBuild a container with gnome-kiosk running on wayland, and it can run with the firefox kiosk container. |
Focus on web security for OpenSUSE projectsan invention by emanuelecappello Description |
getting started with LoRaWANan invention by rfrohl DescriptionGet started with LoRaWAN and play with the hardware I have lying around for ages. |
Build a split keyboard from scratchan invention by mpagot DescriptionI'm getting older... this summer I experienced an annoying and persistent tingling in one hand and arm. That was the initial motivation to get more interested in ergonomic work gadgets, and from that to split keyboards. And that was the entrance in a rabbit hole. |
Make use of sd_varlink to replace dbus (rebootmgr)an invention by kukuk Description |
wireguard Containeran invention by kukuk Description |
Migrate from Docker to Podmanan invention by tjyrinki_suse Description |
ADS-B receiver with MicroOSan invention by epaolantonio I would like to put one of my spare Raspberry Pis to good use, and what better way to see what flies above my head at any time? |
tlint weban invention by xarbulu Descriptiontlint is yet another linting tool to check if Trento checks are written properly. |
Write a shell extension for GNOMEan invention by tdz Description |
ClusterOps - Easily install and manage your personal kubernetes clusteran invention by andreabenini DescriptionClusterOps is a Kubernetes installer and operator designed to streamline the initial configuration |
Learning more about statistics in home-assistantan invention by fcrozat DescriptionHome Assistant can gather a lot of statistics from associated sensors. |
Multi-pod, autoscalable Elixir application in Kubernetes using K8s resourcesan invention by socon DescriptionElixir / Erlang use their own solutions to create clusters that work together. Kubernetes provide its own orchestration. |