Being part of SUSE's Storage Team I frequently talk about our Deployment tool called Deepsea.

Participants/Customers/Partners like the solution we provide to deploy and manage ceph but tend to struggle with a core piece. The policy.cfg [0]

This component was created to map hosts to certain roles consumed by salt and ceph and is basically managed in a single text file + regex.

Although this gives you flexibility in hostname matching, less experienced users seem to struggle with it. Creating basic GUI should assist in the creation process and provide a more user-friendly experience.

I recently stumbled over python's urwid [1] which is a wrapper around ncurses and offers quite some features. Going with a web-based solution is imo not the way to go as the 'master server' which holds the information about other nodes is sometimes isolated from the rest of the network and only accessible via a terminal.



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  • over 7 years ago: jschmid1 started this project.
  • over 7 years ago: jschmid1 originated this project.

  • Comments

    • lslezak
      over 7 years ago by lslezak | Reply


      What about using libyui just like YaST does? It is a separate C++ library, you can write standalone applications, see the examples. The advantage would be that you would get the Qt GUI for free.

      If you prefer Python to C++ there is the bindings package providing Ruby and Python bindings (swig based). Though I have no experience with them...

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