
In a previous Hack Week project, we made a first attempt at re-writing the SCC Customer Management interface using Rails's latest Hotwire tech stack. This allows us to remove a legacy dependency (AngularJS), ease the maintenance of the Customer Management, and increase the speed to introduce new features or changes.


  • Replace AngularJS with Hotwire. Finish the PR from the previous Hack Week so that it's production-ready.
  • Keep the UI/UX the same or introduce small improvements; no major changes should happen.
  • Keep the search functionality as snappy as it is today.
  • Basically: users should not notice any (major) changes.

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This project is part of:

Hack Week 24


  • 15 days ago: enavarro_suse liked this project.
  • 20 days ago: baldarn liked this project.
  • 20 days ago: hennevogel liked this project.
  • 21 days ago: hfschmidt started this project.
  • 21 days ago: hfschmidt originated this project.

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