This hackweek I'll be working on Kanidm, an IDM system written in Rust for modern systems authentication. The github repo has a detailed "getting started" on the readme.

Kanidm Github

Specifically I'll be looking at writing Pam/nsswitch clients (or starting on) this hackweek.

Pam nsswitch client issue

For anyone who wants to participate, some good places to start:

I'm happy to help and mentor, so please get in touch!

Looking for hackers with the skills:

authentication security kanidm ldap radius databases rust

This project is part of:

Hack Week 19


  • about 5 years ago: aplanas liked this project.
  • about 5 years ago: mkamprianis liked this project.
  • about 5 years ago: firstyear started this project.
  • about 5 years ago: firstyear added keyword "authentication" to this project.
  • about 5 years ago: firstyear added keyword "security" to this project.
  • about 5 years ago: firstyear added keyword "kanidm" to this project.
  • about 5 years ago: firstyear added keyword "ldap" to this project.
  • about 5 years ago: firstyear added keyword "radius" to this project.
  • about 5 years ago: firstyear added keyword "databases" to this project.
  • about 5 years ago: firstyear added keyword "rust" to this project.
  • about 5 years ago: firstyear originated this project.

  • Comments

    • mvidner
      about 5 years ago by mvidner | Reply

      TIL: IDM = IDentity Management services

    • firstyear
      almost 5 years ago by firstyear | Reply

      It's now the end of the hackweek, so I think it's worth giving an update on what was achieved.

      Two (very large) PR's were created, at +2,457 -35 and +1,675 -143. This covered a lot of needed functionality, testing and more.

      • Server side generation of unix account and group tokens (blobs of data that represent everything needed for auth/identity to be resolved).
      • Addition of client tools to manage posix extensions to accounts and groups.
      • The creation of a client localhost resolver daemon - think unbound or sssd.
      • Clients that can speak to the localhost daemon via unix domain sockets.
      • A client that gets ssh authorized keys in the format needed for openssh authorized keys command.
      • A nss library that can get uid/gid/name information from the localhost daemon.
      • Client tools to invalidate and clear the localhost daemon cache
      • An end-to-end integration test suite that can test online/offline caching behaviours
      • Handling of many edge cases such as account updates, cache invalidation, deleting groups, etc.

      So this puts us in a great spot for next completing the pam module, and getting this all packaged into in the coming weeks.

      As a small demo of the success:

      > id testunix uid=3524161420(testunix) gid=3524161420(testunix) groups=3524161420(testunix),2439676479(testgroup) > getent passwd testunix testunix:x:3524161420:3524161420:testunix:/home/testunix:/bin/bash > getent group testgroup testgroup:x:2439676479:testunix

      This is on opensuse tumbleweed with, and the git master with the PR's applied.

    • firstyear
      almost 5 years ago by firstyear | Reply

      These are the related PR's

    Similar Projects

    Kanidm: A safe and modern IDM system by firstyear

    Kanidm is an IDM system written in Rust for modern systems authentication. The github repo has a detailed "getting started" on the readme.

    Kanidm Github

    In addition Kanidm has spawn a number of adjacent projects in the Rust ecosystem such as LDAP, Kerberos, Webauthn, and cryptography libraries.

    In this hack week, we'll be working on Quokca, a certificate authority that supports PKCS11/TPM storage of keys, issuance of PIV certificates, and ACME without the feature gatekeeping implemented by other CA's like smallstep.

    For anyone who wants to participate in Kanidm, we have documentation and developer guides which can help.

    I'm happy to help and share more, so please get in touch!

    OIDC Loginproxy by toe


    Reverse proxies can be a useful option to separate authentication logic from application logic. SUSE and openSUSE use "loginproxies" as an authentication layer in front of several services.

    Currently, loginproxies exist which support LDAP authentication or SAML authentication.


    The goal of this Hack Week project is, to create another loginproxy which supports OpenID Connect authentication which can then act as a drop-in replacement for the existing LDAP or SAML loginproxies.

    Testing is intended to focus on the integration with OIDC IDPs from Okta, KanIDM and Authentik.


    VulnHeap by r1chard-lyu


    The VulnHeap project is dedicated to the in-depth analysis and exploitation of vulnerabilities within heap memory management. It focuses on understanding the intricate workflow of heap allocation, chunk structures, and bin management, which are essential to identifying and mitigating security risks.


    • Familiarize with heap
      • Heap workflow
      • Chunk and bin structure
      • Vulnerabilities
    • Vulnerability
      • Use after free (UAF)
      • Heap overflow
      • Double free
    • Use Docker to create a vulnerable environment and apply techniques to exploit it



    Contributing to Linux Kernel security by pperego


    A couple of weeks ago, I found this blog post by Gustavo Silva, a Linux Kernel contributor.

    I always strived to start again into hacking the Linux Kernel, so I asked Coverity scan dashboard access and I want to contribute to Linux Kernel by fixing some minor issues.

    I want also to create a Linux Kernel fuzzing lab using qemu and syzkaller


    1. Fix at least 2 security bugs
    2. Create the fuzzing lab and having it running

    The story so far

    • Day 1: setting up a virtual machine for kernel development using Tumbleweed. Reading a lot of documentation, taking confidence with Coverity dashboard and with procedures to submit a kernel patch
    • Day 2: I read really a lot of documentation and I triaged some findings on Coverity SAST dashboard. I have to confirm that SAST tool are great false positives generator, even for low hanging fruits.
    • Day 3: Working on trivial changes after I read this blog post: I have to take confidence with the patch preparation and submit process yet.
      • First trivial patch sent: using strtruefalse() macro instead of hard-coded strings in a staging driver for a lcd display
      • Fix for a dereference before null check issue discovered by Coverity (CID 1601566)
    • Day 4: Triaging more issues found by Coverity.
      • The patch for CID 1601566 was refused. The check against the NULL pointer was pointless so I prepared a version 2 of the patch removing the check.
      • Fixed another dereference before NULL check in iwlmvmparsewowlaninfo_notif() routine (CID 1601547). This one was already submitted by another kernel hacker :(
    • Day 5: Wrapping up. I had to do some minor rework on patch for CID 1601566. I found a stalker bothering me in private emails and people I interacted with me, advised he is a well known bothering person. Markus Elfring for the record.
    • Wrapping up: being back doing kernel hacking is amazing and I don't want to stop it. My battery pack is completely drained but changing the scope gave me a great twist and I really want to feel this energy not doing a single task for months.

      I failed in setting up a fuzzing lab but I was too optimistic for the patch submission process.

    The patches


    OIDC Loginproxy by toe


    Reverse proxies can be a useful option to separate authentication logic from application logic. SUSE and openSUSE use "loginproxies" as an authentication layer in front of several services.

    Currently, loginproxies exist which support LDAP authentication or SAML authentication.


    The goal of this Hack Week project is, to create another loginproxy which supports OpenID Connect authentication which can then act as a drop-in replacement for the existing LDAP or SAML loginproxies.

    Testing is intended to focus on the integration with OIDC IDPs from Okta, KanIDM and Authentik.


    Migrate from Docker to Podman by tjyrinki_suse


    I'd like to continue my former work on containerization of several domains on a single server by changing from Docker containers to Podman containers. That will need an OS upgrade as well as Podman is not available in that old server version.


    • Update OS.
    • Migrate from Docker to Podman.
    • Keep everything functional, including the existing "meanwhile done" additional Docker container that is actually being used already.
    • Keep everything at least as secure as currently. One of the reasons of having the containers is to isolate risks related to services open to public Internet.
    • Try to enable the Podman use in production.
    • At minimum, learn about all of these topics.
    • Optionally, improve Ansible side of things as well...


    A search engine is one's friend. Migrating from Docker to Podman, and from docker-compose to podman-compose.

    Bot to identify reserved data leak in local files or when publishing on remote repository by mdati


    Scope here is to prevent reserved data or generally "unwanted", to be pushed and saved on a public repository, i.e. on Github, causing disclosure or leaking of reserved informations.

    The above definition of reserved or "unwanted" may vary, depending on the context: sometime secret keys or password are stored in data or configuration files or hardcoded in source code and depending on the scope of the archive or the level of security, it can be either wanted, permitted or not at all.

    As main target here, secrets will be registration keys or passwords, to be detected and managed locally or in a C.I. pipeline.


    • Detection:

      • Local detection: detect secret words present in local files;
      • Remote detection: detect secrets in files, in pipelines, going to be transferred on a remote repository, i.e. via git push;
    • Reporting:

      • report the result of detection on stderr and/or log files, noticed excluding the secret values.
    • Acton:

      • Manage the detection, by either deleting or masking the impacted code or deleting/moving the file itself or simply notify it.


    • Project repository, published on Github (link): m-dati/hkwk24;
    • Reference folder: hkwk24/chksecret;
    • First pull request (link): PR#1;
    • Second PR, for improvements: PR#2;
    • and documentation files available in the repo root;
    • Test subproject repository, for testing CI on push [TBD].


    We use here some examples of secret words, that still can be improved.
    The various patterns to match desired reserved words are written in a separated module, to be on demand updated or customized.

    [Legend: TBD = to be done]

    Setup Kanidm as OIDC provider on Kubernetes by jkuzilek


    I am planning to upgrade my homelab Kubernetes cluster to the next level and need an OIDC provider for my services, including K8s itself.


    • Successfully configure and deploy Kanidm on homelab cluster
    • Integrate with K8s auth
    • Integrate with other services (Envoy Gateway, Container Registry, future deployment of Forgejo?)


    OIDC Loginproxy by toe


    Reverse proxies can be a useful option to separate authentication logic from application logic. SUSE and openSUSE use "loginproxies" as an authentication layer in front of several services.

    Currently, loginproxies exist which support LDAP authentication or SAML authentication.


    The goal of this Hack Week project is, to create another loginproxy which supports OpenID Connect authentication which can then act as a drop-in replacement for the existing LDAP or SAML loginproxies.

    Testing is intended to focus on the integration with OIDC IDPs from Okta, KanIDM and Authentik.


    Fix RSpec tests in order to replace the ruby-ldap rubygem in OBS by enavarro_suse


    "LDAP mode is not official supported by OBS!". See: config/options.yml.example#L100-L102

    However, there is an RSpec file which tests LDAP mode in OBS. These tests use the ruby-ldap rubygem, mocking the results returned by a LDAP server.

    The ruby-ldap rubygem seems no longer maintaned, and also prevents from updating to a more recent Ruby version. A good alternative is to replace it with the net-ldap rubygem.

    Before replacing the ruby-ldap rubygem, we should modify the tests so the don't mock the responses of a LDAP server. Instead, we should modify the tests and run them against a real LDAP server.


    Goals of this project:

    • Modify the RSpec tests and run them against a real LDAP server
    • Replace the net-ldap rubygem with the ruby-ldap rubygem

    Achieving the above mentioned goals will:

    • Permit upgrading OBS from Ruby 3.1 to Ruby 3.2
    • Make a step towards officially supporting LDAP in OBS.


    Kanidm: A safe and modern IDM system by firstyear

    Kanidm is an IDM system written in Rust for modern systems authentication. The github repo has a detailed "getting started" on the readme.

    Kanidm Github

    In addition Kanidm has spawn a number of adjacent projects in the Rust ecosystem such as LDAP, Kerberos, Webauthn, and cryptography libraries.

    In this hack week, we'll be working on Quokca, a certificate authority that supports PKCS11/TPM storage of keys, issuance of PIV certificates, and ACME without the feature gatekeeping implemented by other CA's like smallstep.

    For anyone who wants to participate in Kanidm, we have documentation and developer guides which can help.

    I'm happy to help and share more, so please get in touch!

    Better diff'ing experience by MSirringhaus


    For diff-ing directories, I usually like to use meld, but it struggles a lot with large trees. Experiment with writing a TUI meld-clone for diffing directories and files


    Get first prototype going of a TUI that can show

    • diffs of text-files
    • diffs of directories.

    Stretch goals

    • Themes
    • Filters (no whitespace, etc.)
    • Live config changes (Show/hide line numbers, etc.)

    Agama installer on-line demo by lslezak


    The Agama installer provides a quite complex user interface. We have some screenshots on the web page but as it is basically a web application it would be nice to have some on-line demo where users could click and check it live.

    The problem is that the Agama server directly accesses the hardware (storage probing) and loads installation repositories. We cannot easily mock this in the on-line demo so the easiest way is to have just a read-only demo. You could explore the configuration options but you could not change anything, all changes would be ignored.

    The read-only demo would be a bit limited but I still think it would be useful for potential users get the feeling of the new Agama installer and get familiar with it before using in a real installation.

    As a proof of concept I already created this on-line demo.

    The implementation basically builds Agama in two modes - recording mode where it saves all REST API responses and replay mode where it for the REST API requests returns the previously recorded responses. Recording in the browser is inconvenient and error prone, there should be some scripting instead (see below).


    • Create an Agama on-line demo which can be easily tested by users
    • The Agama installer is still in alpha phase and in active development, the online demo needs to be easily rebuilt with the latest Agama version
    • Ideally there should be some automation so the demo page is rebuilt automatically without any developer interactions (once a day or week?)


    • Use OpenAPI to get all Agama REST API endpoints, write a script which queries all the endpoints automatically and saves the collected data to a file (see this related PR).
    • Write a script for starting an Agama VM (use libvirt/qemu?), the script should ensure we always use the same virtual HW so if we need to dump the latest REST API state we get the same (or very similar data). This should ensure the demo page does not change much regarding the storage proposal etc...
    • Fix changing the product, currently it gets stuck after clicking the "Select" button.
    • Move the mocking data (the recorded REST API responses) outside the Agama sources, it's too big and will be probably often updated. To avoid messing the history keep it in a separate GitHub repository
    • Allow changing the UI language
    • Display some note (watermark) in the page so it is clear it is a read-only demo (probably with some version or build date to know how old it is)
    • Automation for building new demo page from the latest sources. There should be some check which ensures the recorded data still matches the OpenAPI specification.

    Changing the UI language

    This will be quite tricky because selecting the proper translation file is done on the server side. We would probably need to completely re-implement the logic in the browser side and adapt the server for that.

    Also some REST API responses contain translated texts (storage proposal, pattern names in software). We would need to query the respective endpoints in all supported languages and return the correct response in runtime according to the currently selected language.


    SMB3 Server written entirely in Rust by dmulder


    Given the number of bugs frequently discovered in the Samba code caused by memory issues, it makes sense to re-write the smbd service purely in Rust code. Meanwhile, it would be wise to abandon backwards compatibility here with insecure protocol versions, and simply implement the SMB3 spec.


    Get a simple server up and running and get it merged into upstream Samba (which now has Rust build support).


    Hack on isotest-ng - a rust port of isotovideo (os-autoinst aka testrunner of openQA) by szarate


    Some time ago, I managed to convince ByteOtter to hack something that resembles isotovideo but in Rust, not because I believe that Perl is dead, but more because there are certain limitations in the perl code (how it was written), and its always hard to add new functionalities when they are about implementing a new backend, or fixing bugs (Along with people complaining that Perl is dead, and that they don't like it)

    In reality, I wanted to see if this could be done, and ByteOtter proved that it could be, while doing an amazing job at hacking a vnc console, and helping me understand better what RuPerl needs to work.

    I plan to keep working on this for the next few years, and while I don't aim for feature completion or replacing isotovideo tih isotest-ng (name in progress), I do plan to be able to use it on a daily basis, using specialized tooling with interfaces, instead of reimplementing everything in the backend


    • Add make targets for testability, e.g "spawn qemu and type"
    • Add image search matching algorithm
    • Add a Null test distribution provider
    • Add a Perl Test Distribution Provider
    • Fix unittests
    • Research OpenTofu how to add new hypervisors/baremetal to OpenTofu
    • Add an interface to openQA cli


    • Implement at least one of the above, prepare proposals for GSoC
    • Boot a system via it's BMC



    Implement a CLI tool for Trento - trentoctl by nkopliku


    Implement a trentoctl CLI for interacting with a trento installation


    • learn rust
    • implement an initial trentoctl tool to enhance trento automation
    • have fun


    trento rust. TUIs listed on this other hackweek project Hack on rich terminal user interfaces