Project Description
Make a PDF parser command line tool that brings the Nuremberg Canteen's Menu to a usable format (Plain text, JSON) that can be used in WebApps, Smart Displays or a Slack/IRC Bots.
Goal for Hackweek 22
Get at least a list of meals for each day.
It works for more than ten months (39 menus) now.
Check out the JSON file and the Web View
Goal for Hackweek 23
Make it a Progressive Web App! Can be installed on desktops using Chrome and mobile devices using Android and iOS. Also works if offline!
Done! See code in
Unfortunately syncing homes on is broken for a month, now. So it cannot be deployed. :(
Goal for Hackweek 24+
Maybe: Create a Slack Preview
Used Tools and Libraries
- ripMIME
- Ruby: pdf-reader
Looking for hackers with the skills:
This project is part of:
Hack Week 22 Hack Week 23
about 2 years ago by digitaltomm | Reply
about 2 years ago by dirkmueller | Reply
is there a public version of the RSS feed? then that could be integrated into slack
about 2 years ago by enavarro_suse | Reply
It seems so. From the [1] file of the GitHub project:
Find cli tools in ./utils, if you prefer subscribing to a RSS feed choose the Internal or the External one.
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