The initial goal is to dive into Continuous Integration visions, practices and the related tools for HA team.
Obviously, more than happy to welcome you to share your experience or ideas within SUSE or from the broader outside OpenSource world.
- SCM: git/github
- BS: obs/ibs
- CI: jenkins + small number of useful plugins out of tons
- Orchestration: puppet/chef/jcloud
- etc
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almost 10 years ago by zzhou | Reply
Wikipedia of Continuous_integration
Concept - All developers merge their code in the shared mainline several times a day. - To combine CI with test automated to prevent "integration hell". - In addition to running the unit and integration tests, CI could contribute to additional static and dynamic tests, measure and profile performance, extract and format documentation from the source code, etc.
Best Practices - Maintain a code repository ==> github/osc - Automate the build ==> OBS/IBS Keep the build fast - Test in a clone of the production environment ==> TBD easy to get the latest deliverables - Automate deployment ==> TBD - Everyone can see the results of the latest build ==> TBD - Fix Broken Builds Immediately
CI :: Tools
SCM: github - Webhooks
- "Obs Service Hooks" is called upon a "push" event.
BS: obs - "_service" file and TOKEN
- Let trigger your source update and build your RPM
CI: jenkins - "URLTrigger Plug-in"
- poll URL changes and trigger a job execution upon a new RPM.
- track upstream changes and rebase downstream repo.
Automate deployment(Testbed Orchestration)
- [yes] autoyast
- [yes] openQA - "Asset Creation" golden master image
- [?] "chef vs puppet"
- [no] openstack
Run Testsuites, Teamwork, more, ...
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