SAR Performance Data Plotter

SAR stands for System Activity Report. It is a tool used to monitor system activity on Linux systems. The sar command is part of the sysstat package and captures a set of statistical information such as CPU load, memory paging, memory utilization, swap usage, network I/O, and much more.

This hackweek project will take the collected sar data (two format exists) and will create nice performance overview using GNUPlot and other tools.

Goal for this Hackweek

Basic working version exists for binary sar data file format.

Goal is

1.) to enhance the created output with additional performance data

2.) additionally support the text sar format

3.) write an generic wrapper for both formats

4.) optional: create reports that extends a report from one day to multiple days


bash, awk and a bit of GNUPlot skills required

Looking for hackers with the skills:

Nothing? Add some keywords!

This project is part of:

Hack Week 23


  • 9 months ago: heikkiyp joined this project.
  • 9 months ago: paolodepa liked this project.
  • 10 months ago: ggherdovich liked this project.
  • 11 months ago: roseswe started this project.
  • 11 months ago: roseswe originated this project.

  • Comments

    • ggherdovich
      10 months ago by ggherdovich | Reply

      Hello Ralph, I'm super happy to see people working on this! Last year I had a similar project, , but didn't go very far. I'll spend some more time on it again this year.

      What do you say we compare notes at some point?

    • heikkiyp
      9 months ago by heikkiyp | Reply

      You might want to check the work Thomas has been working on .

    • heikkiyp
      9 months ago by heikkiyp | Reply

      There is also this project

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