Termux is already bringing a terminal and debian package manager to Android.

Let's see if we can reuse it and provide a base system with zypper and build openSUSE:Factory for it in OBS.

Afterwards we should try to sync with termux project, maybe we can join there to have only one app which allows the selection.

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Hack Week 19


  • over 4 years ago: adrianSuSE joined this project.
  • over 4 years ago: bigironman started this project.
  • over 4 years ago: bigironman liked this project.
  • over 4 years ago: ematsumiya liked this project.
  • over 4 years ago: adrianSuSE originated this project.

  • Comments

    • bigironman
      over 4 years ago by bigironman | Reply

      There is good documentation for compiling packages for Termux and explaining the differences to usual Linux distributions.

    • adrianSuSE
      over 4 years ago by adrianSuSE | Reply

      The current state is:

      • I am able to create rpms built on x86_64 hosts which can be installed
      • Succeeded in packaging android ndk. (binary only form could not be used due to license issues)
      • basic build description parser exists
      • code for automatic packaging host devel packages is being written atm

    • adrianSuSE
      over 4 years ago by adrianSuSE | Reply

      Missing steps: * finish packaging and create a bootstrap image * adapt termux app for offering a selection of our repository (currently blocked by lack of memory for android-studio (have only 16GB) and problem with gfx driver)

    • adrianSuSE
      over 4 years ago by adrianSuSE | Reply

      NDK licenses review still ongoing ... I will only continue on this project if we can provide the NDK in build.opensuse.org.

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