Learn about ALPa project by XinLiang |
OpenQA test list views improvementa project by mdati Project Description |
HelenOS: <filesystem> of a downa project by jjindrak During the previous Hackweek [0], I have successfully implemented, tested and merged [1] an implementation of the entire C++ standard header . This time, my aim is to modernize the C++14-esque standard library [2] of HelenOS [3][4] with a C++17 feature - the header. The header is much larger than the header which I barely managed to implement and test in the allocated time for the previous Hackweek, but was mostly OS-independent as it relied only on previously implemented features of the standard library. The header, however, is limited by the filesystem API of the OS and as such implementing of the entirety of it might not be possible, limiting the scope of the project (which is a good thing due to the time constraints). |
Better default conky themea project by simotek As per the title I am aiming to investigate a much nicer conky default, I have a short list, but it depends on asking people nicely to license there work, if I have to create something from scratch it probably won't happen this hackweek. |
Metabase instance in SCC EKS clustera project by digitaltomm Following up on the experiment from last Hackweek ( https://confluence.suse.com/display/~digitaltomm/Business+Intelligence+in+SCC ), it would be great having a production instance of Metabase running in the SCC EKS cluster, connected to the production database of SCC. |
The world craban invention by cdywan The world is changing. A mouse got lose and fell off the discworld. Consequently the elephants got scared and hopped off Great A'Tuin's back. As luck would have it a gigantic crab with four gophers on its back took its place. |
Polish and improve ansible roles in GeekOopsa project by ph03nix Project Description |
Try-out training managementa project by mstrigl Project Description |
Port the Minion job queue to TypeScriptan invention by kraih Project Description |