Projects in the topic python3

Cluster Python API

a project by fmherschel

Project Description

The purpose of this question is first to research, if we already have a python API available to be used in scripts to query status and details in the running cluster. If not already available the first purpose is to get a draft version of such an API. If it is already available the second purpose is to implement some useful examples for SAP workloads.

Updated over 2 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️. 3 followers.

Anomaly analyser, predictor for kubernetes(Rancher)

an idea by sbabusadhu

Project Description

Nowadays most customers are looking for multi-cloud and container solutions. The main critical point for their business is providing a better service and make the customer happy. The efficiency of the IT Ops team key to the superior customer experience. In most case customers reports the issue and support will fix the issue but support is not aware of the problems (like node failures, resource crunch limits) in the multi-container environment until customers report them. Even though monitoring and alerts systems exist in the current market that only provide alerts when an issue occurs BUT we need smarter solutions to analyze existing systems and predict future anomalies.

Updated over 3 years ago. No love. 1 follower. Has no hacker: grab it!