Add tests shuffling functionality to paracukean idea by e_bischoff Paracuke is a toy project whose first use was to make it easy to run tests in parallel from coroutines. It's an implementation of Cucumber in Go. |
Write a simple ESMTP mail server in Haskella project by psimons Hackweek 21? |
Collectl turbostat modulea project by joeyli Currently the CPU subsystem of Collectl can get the CPU loading but no CPU power state. My idea is that tracing turbostat then developing a collectl module to get the CPU power state. It can be used to monitor C-state or frequency. |
Neutron driver for Ciliuma project by mrostecki It's clear that in Kubernetes world, SUSE and openSUSE chose Cilium as the main network provider, which also means choosing BPF and XDP as underlying technologies for implementing datapath and packet filtering. |
YES Certification Video Tutorialsa project by dstokes The YES Certification Tool Kit has long needed Video Tutorials for clean step-by-step tool usage and configuration. These will be done with video screen scrapes and audio overlay. |
perf-bench ipca project by dbueso The state of the art of sysv/posix ipc benchmarking is a combination of ad-hoc programs scattered over the internet. While some mechanisms, such as sysv semaphores, have a lot of coverage, others really lack (message queues), and some are simply non-existent; albeit some of the legacy flavors we aren't too concerned with, other than them being functionally correct. |
Separate the QLogo GUI from the interpreter.a project by jsikes QLogo is a UCBLogo-compatible implementation of the Logo language using Qt and OpenGL. QLogo was designed with the language interpreter integrated into the GUI. |
Add cgroups support to crash-pythona project by mkoutny To ease debugging cgroup relates issues this suggests to: |
Kernel live dumpan idea by mkoutny There is possibility to run crash on live system, this has some drawbacks though: |
Distribution source code repository/browseran idea by mkoutny Motivation: You know a particular function name and would like to know which package(s) it comes from. |
Porting Askbot to Python 3a project by rbueker During the last year Askbot, a question and answer oriented internet tool, similar to stack overflow has been tested for internal usage. |
Uyuni: improve spacewalk-repo-sync performancea project by moio Let's make reposync faster |
GNU/Linux-based Software as a Servicean idea by rliang06 Making GNU/Linux-based applications/services accessible to Windows clients via LAN, without installing GNU/Linux in a virtual machine, or using Live or pre-installed media. |
next-generation email synchronization programa project by dancermak There are various email synchronization programs like offlineimap or mbsync, which have some inherent limitations: |
ML and AI for code static analysisa project by mvarlese The idea is to explore the technologies and the various components to realize some AI to predict pitfalls in source code which can potentially generate run-time misbehaviours. |
Suse Manager - SPAa project by LuNeves The experience while navigating throughout the UI of Suse Manager it's not that nice. Whenever we navigate to a new page, the whole page gets refreshed and recreated, even when half of it didn't change a thing, for instance, the menu, topbar, and the notifications WebSocket connection, which in my opinion doesn't provide a smooth experience. |
Upgrade a Rancilio Silvia with a meCoffee PIDa project by suntorytimed What is meCoffee? |
Organize a Rumtasting sessiona project by TBro Out of nowhere the idea came up to organize a rum tasting session on one of the HackWeek evenings. |
The Chameleon Harmonistsa project by rmax Join us in singing a capella — barbershop-style and others. Find us on RocketChat: #chameleon-harmonists |
Package odpdowna project by jgrassler I have been known to talk anybody I held presentations with into using odpdown. |
Intensive Python refresheran idea by cjschroder2 Refresh my sad neglected mad Python skillz, and become reasonably fluent once again. Focus on improving cool YAML to DocBook XML conversion script |
Learn O'reilly Fundamentals of Deep learninga project by jerrytang Ai and Machine learning play important role in our life, I'd like to learn it. |
RPMlint cleanupsa project by scarabeus_iv RPMlint upstream milestone 2.0 is shaping up but there are still ticket that needs to be tackled to finalize the release and enjoy the freshness of awesome QA on Tumbleweed/SLE16. |
Write a Native GTK+ Weibo Applicationa project by JonathanKang Inspired by Corebird, I'd like to write a native GTK+ Weibo application for Linux, so that I can learn how to write a GTK+ application from scratch, and every Weibo users can benefit from it. |
Czech translation of KF5a project by vpelcak I would like to dedicate my time to the improvement of the Czech localization of KF5. |