I want to write a new rubocop cop that verifies that a schema.rb file in a Rails project, references a valid migration.

Looking for hackers with the skills:

ruby rubyonrails

This project is part of:

Hack Week 17


  • about 6 years ago: bergmannf started this project.
  • about 6 years ago: ammartinez liked this project.
  • about 6 years ago: hennevogel liked this project.
  • about 6 years ago: m_meister liked this project.
  • about 6 years ago: bergmannf added keyword "ruby" to this project.
  • about 6 years ago: bergmannf added keyword "rubyonrails" to this project.
  • about 6 years ago: bergmannf originated this project.

  • Comments

    • ammartinez
      about 6 years ago by ammartinez | Reply

      Nice! @bergmannf has you already open an issue in Rubocop? If you open it now you will probably receive some feedback from Rubocop community before you start hacking on Monday. :)

    • bergmannf
      about 6 years ago by bergmannf | Reply

      @ammartinez I didn't open an issue yet, as I first wanted to check what needs to be done.

      I now have a first working version here, so I will start talking with upstream now.

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