orr mimics rvm and helps you to switch between different ruby versions on your openSUSE installation.

It's developing on github in hennevogel/orr.

  • info show information for current ruby ✓
  • search show available ruby versions ✓
  • use setup current shell to use a specific ruby version ✓
  • list show currently installed versions ✓
  • implode removes all ruby installations (except the default one), removes orr and all other traces
  • do runs a named ruby file against specified and/or all rubies
  • install install one or many ruby versions ✓
  • upgrade install new ruby, copy gems, make gems pristine, remove old ruby
  • reinstall remove ruby, install it, make gems pristine
  • uninstall, remove uninstall one or many ruby versions ✓

Looking for hackers with the skills:

ruby zypper rpm minitest clamp

This project is part of:

Hack Week 16 Hack Week 17


  • almost 6 years ago: hennevogel disliked this project.
  • almost 6 years ago: hennevogel liked this project.
  • over 6 years ago: hennevogel left this project.
  • over 6 years ago: hennevogel started this project.
  • over 6 years ago: hennevogel left this project.
  • over 6 years ago: hennevogel started this project.
  • over 6 years ago: hennevogel left this project.
  • about 7 years ago: hennevogel added keyword "ruby" to this project.
  • about 7 years ago: hennevogel added keyword "zypper" to this project.
  • about 7 years ago: hennevogel added keyword "rpm" to this project.
  • about 7 years ago: hennevogel added keyword "minitest" to this project.
  • about 7 years ago: hennevogel added keyword "clamp" to this project.
  • about 7 years ago: hennevogel started this project.
  • about 7 years ago: randybb liked this project.
  • over 7 years ago: hennevogel originated this project.

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    Goal for this Hackweek

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    Issue list is here: https://github.com/belgaied2/harvester-cli/issues


    The project is written in Go, and using client-go the Kubernetes Go Client libraries to communicate with the Harvester API (which is Kubernetes in fact). Welcome contributions are:

    • Testing it and creating issues
    • Documentation
    • Go code improvement

    What you might learn

    Harvester CLI might be interesting to you if you want to learn more about:

    • GitHub Actions
    • Harvester as a SUSE Product
    • Go programming language
    • Kubernetes API