Projects in the topic typescript
TypeScript is a programming language developed and maintained by Microsoft.

Re-architecting Jangouts data/events model

an invention by IGonzalezSosa

During the last GSoC, Jangouts was ported to work on Angular 2. Among other goodies, like the component-based approach or ditching the $scope thingie, Angular 2 leverages the use of observables thanks to its integration with RxJS. However, when the project started, our student (who did a great job) had to fight^Wwork with a beta version of Angular 2 and, unfortunatelly, the API changed before the release of the final version.

Updated about 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.

Improving Jangouts UX

an invention by IGonzalezSosa

For some of us, Jangouts has become a tool we use everyday. It works (most of the time) and it helps to reduce the impact of having a distributed team. In the past, Jangouts developers were busy making it to work. But, unfortunately, they didn't pay attention to UX. So the idea of this project is to invest some time trying to improve usability and make Jangouts looks better.

Updated about 5 years ago. 2 hacker ♥️.