Add a ncurse UI to wiresharkan idea by aaptel Wireshark has a CLI program called |
Secure keyboardan idea by mwilck This idea was inspired by the recent discussion on the "talk" mailing list about the (in)security of the German ID card. The Chaos Computer Club and other researchers claim that the ID card is insecure. Actual attacks that have been demonstrated are based on keyloggers. |
Improve C/C++ skillsan idea by pvorel I'd like to improve my C/C++ skills with contributing small easyhacks to some open source projects (kernel's kconfig, git, util-linux, fluxbox, libreoffice, ...). |
Learn more about C standard librariesan idea by pvorel Study code of glibc, musl, uclibc or Klibc and make some tests with buildroot. |
Shell completionan idea by federico3 Implement shellcomp |