OBS notificationsan invention by k0da Let third parties to get notifications about build failures without having maintainer rights |
Static download endpoint for SUSE Manageran invention by dmacvicar The download end-point of Spacewalk/SUSE Manager resolves the packages from channels dynamically with a database query. |
emulate firewalld interfaces for NM on SuSEfirewall2an invention by lnussel Networkmanager uses some simple dbus interfaces of firewalld to allow configuring a firewall zone for connections. FWZS offers similar features on top of SuSEfirewall2. |
Add PIDs cgroup support to runC and Dockeran invention by cyphar Currently, dealing with forkbombs and similar issues with Docker and runC is not very nice (you have to set a global limit for all Docker processes or you have to limit kernel memory which isn't very practical). I'm going to work on getting [some][1] [patches][2] merged into runC and Docker to enable PIDs support for Docker. |
fix printing in the Taipei officean invention by lnussel the Taipei office lacks automatic printer discovery so everyone has to download and install some weird "driver". That's not the Linux way of doing things. So set up a cups server and do proper printer announcements with that one. |
openSUSE/SUSE Developer Mentoring Programan invention by hennevogel Goal
Teach the users/* branch checker about kabian invention by michal-m In the kernel repository, we have a script that checks users/* branches and does some basic checks on them. My plan is to teach this script to detect kabi changes. |
Learn to create dovetails with a router.an invention by cbosdonnat Dovetails are nice to assemble wood pieces... but not that easy to do. The project is about creating a template to create dovetails with a router and of course create dovetails. I prepared all the maths before hackweek to plan my actions (and buy hardware). See [this geogebra file][0] for the details. |
Mozilla Firefox profile selectoran invention by olh Create a wrapper which receives the URL passed to the "firefox" binary, offers a list of available profiles, and finally runs Firefox with the selected profile and the given URL. |
Setup Zuul & Gerrit & Jenkins & OBS infrastructure to test OpenStack upstream changes for rpm-packagingan invention by tbechtold OpenStack uses Zuul as a pipeline manager to test changes posted on gerrit. The rpm-packaging initiative (https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Rpm-packaging) needs to test proposed changes. So building packages with OBS for proposed changes is the goal of the project. |