openQA Notifier - A Chrome extension for monitoring your openQA instance statusa project by mlin7442 Displays your openQA instance status, the feature/behavior should had at least like the list below, |
openQA webVTT subtitlesa project by bmwiedemann The webVTT standard (nearly the same as the older SRT subtitles) allows to add subtitles to a video. We could use this in openQA to show which keys were pressed at that point in the video, in which line of code we were or on what event we waited. This could make debugging easier and might be instructive to users, too. |
Update cpan modules in OBSan invention by coolo devel:languages:perl has 2662 packages, but many of them are outdated because it's just a fight no man can win to update them. So we update them whenver we hit a problem. But this is evil: |