about 3 years
6 hacker ♥️.
Air Pollution Forecast
Make air pollution forecast in Beijing area. The data will be generated according to weather forecast. It would be better to deploy it on website, and the UI will be similar to http://sandbox.runjs.cn/show/ydp3it7b . I will use ruby on rails as the main development framework.
- http://openweathermap.org will provide weather forecast
- http://pm25.in will provide PM2.5 for real time
UI Design
I'm not good at it. So I just want to change http://sandbox.runjs.cn/show/ydp3it7b a little. Screenshot is here http://img.vim-cn.com/df/d515f936721d4badf009bcf7c2c77333c0ef7c.png .
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