Projects in the topic android

Learn the Basics About Creating Android Apps

a project by keichwa

What's about an app that helps you with downloading openSUSE documentation?

Updated almost 5 years ago. 7 hacker ♥️.

Get SUSE VPN running on Android (was: get SUSE VPN running on sle12)

an invention by sndirsch

Figure out how to get SUSE VPN running on Android.

Updated over 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.

Android libvirt client

a project by cbosdonnat

The project aims at kick-starting an Android application to manage libvirt-based VMs and containers. The libvirt build on android expedition has already been completed during hackweek 10 and refreshed here. Which leaves for hackweek to use libvirt-java bindings to use it.

Updated almost 3 years ago. No love.

Android client for bluetooth serial device for car diagnostics

a project by cwh

There is quite a popular Android software for connection OBD standard adapters but not for older, brand specific ones. One for pre 2001 VAG cars is this one:

Updated almost 6 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.