Once again, the SUSE band is coming together to make music and we're planning a party this time round!!!

We have a band name :-)

We are


Watch us on Thursday night at the HackWeek Party in Nürnberg. We've got a treat for you all then.

This is one of the few HackWeek projects, which actually continues in between HackWeeks, where a group of dedicated musicians give up several hours of their free time every fortnight to learn new songs and practice them.

Here is an example of what we do. Check out this video from last year's OSC16: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OdoL1uhi20

Do you play an instrument or are interested in music in general and would like to meet others with the same interest? We are always looking out to recruit new people and HackWeek gives us the perfect opportunity to meet the new musicians who will be playing with us at the next HackWeek event.

To get involved you can join this project and also the SUSE musicians mailing list (musicians@suse.de). Let's meet up and share some ideas.

Now that our main Hackweek event is over, I imagine that there will be several musicians meeting up during the week for a jam session. If you're interested in joining, then join our mailing list.

Oh, and by the way, we won the most fun, most liked and most participated HackWeek13 project. Let's see if we can achieve this again.

Have a lot of fun(k)!

Looking for hackers with the skills:

Nothing? Add some keywords!

This project is part of:

Hack Week 11 Hack Week 12 Hack Week 13 Hack Week 14 Hack Week 15


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  • All Activity


    • ancorgs
      over 10 years ago by ancorgs | Reply

      Unfortunately I'll be "remote" during hackweek. But I'm definitely I'm interested in the subject. Specially in music production (jack, ardour, lv2 plugins, etc.). In the previous hackweek my plan was writing a Yast module to control jackd and make it live gracefully with pulseaudio. I didn't make it and for this hackweek my focus has changed, but I'd still be interested in sharing views about the subject, of course.

    • jctmichel
      over 10 years ago by jctmichel | Reply

      Love to do it :-) Music equipment shouldn't be a problem from my side. I could also loan a piano for the week if necessary.

    • dmacvicar
      over 10 years ago by dmacvicar | Reply

      I can bring a drum machine, bass (thanks ancor), guitar, (small) midi keyboard. I also have some knowledge with Audacity, qjackctl, Hydrogen, etc.

      Should we meet in a room?

    • aspiers
      over 10 years ago by aspiers | Reply

      I'll be remote and anyway probably will have to defer my hackweek :-( But this sounds great, I am also a professional musician and have done quite a bit with Linux audio / MIDI. Keep me posted!

    • sndirsch
      over 10 years ago by sndirsch | Reply

      I can bring along bass+amplifier and loop station. I'm not using an OS for music apart from copying sound files to the loop station. So no experience there.

    • ralfflaxa
      over 10 years ago by ralfflaxa | Reply

      Re Duncan: I talked to Oliver Fecher and he reserved room 1.1.5 in Nuremberg for us (leftmost room behind the all-hands area). I will land on Monday evening only (coming back from China), but feel free to start without me.

    • ralfflaxa
      over 10 years ago by ralfflaxa | Reply

      I will bring my saxophone and clarinette.

      I can also bring a keyboard and drum pads, both with their own sound generation, plus 1/4'' stereo jack and MIDI in/out.

    • drpaneas
      over 10 years ago by drpaneas | Reply

      I am interested but my musical equipment is back in my home in Greece. I play electric guitar and synth. For example, I use mostly Line6 products such as POD HD 500 which doesn't works on Linux :( and I usually edit stuff in several programs. However, I am still searching for the linux version of Guitar Pro.

      • dmacvicar
        over 10 years ago by dmacvicar | Reply

        Martin is going to work on the line6 drivers, I can't find the project though.

        • duwe
          over 10 years ago by duwe | Reply

          project #286, finished :)

      • mseidl81
        over 10 years ago by mseidl81 | Reply


        I have a pod500x. There are bugs reported against a 500, if I could use it for testing, that would be really awesome.

    • mseidl81
      over 10 years ago by mseidl81 | Reply

      I will have a guitar at work and a pod500x as a part of my hackweek project.

    • bmaryniuk
      over 10 years ago by bmaryniuk | Reply

      Seems like we will have an electric drum set, I can bring my Korg KROME 88, which at least can be an ultimate hammer-weight full-blown MIDI keyboard anyway, although its internal sounds are still better than most software available. :-) To make James learn something new per this hackweek, I will bring my 5-string fretless bass for him to see what happens. :-D

    • drpaneas
      over 10 years ago by drpaneas | Reply

      I will try to bring my POD HD300 and my guitar. I am also particularly interested in "Want to give your family/friends an easy way of accessing and adding to your music collection - using Linux/OpenSource tools". The thing is that more and more people are into Youtube or Soundcloud (includign myself) and they are "forced" to NOT use Linux (e.g. drivers).

      Next to that, what I would like do in this hackweek is to create a --"let's say"-- youtuber's guide for Linux musicians including the: 1) Editing software (if there's video sequence) and some settings for the trascoded output 2) Recording Software + Mastering audio 3) Driver list for the supported products 4) Cables or monitor speakers or other stuff that might be required for the full experience

    • bmaryniuk
      over 10 years ago by bmaryniuk | Reply

      Needless to mention: adding Ardour package to openSUSE would move things better! (http://ardour.org/) Right now it is available only as a source and build it on our distro could be a nice add-on to the pool of the software. :-)

      • dmacvicar
        over 10 years ago by dmacvicar | Reply

        What do you mean "available only as a source"?

      • bmwiedemann
        over 10 years ago by bmwiedemann | Reply

        It seems, there is an old package in https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/multimedia:apps/ardour but it has compilation errors

      • duwe
        over 10 years ago by duwe | Reply

        You can use LMMS in the meantime :-)

    • insilmaril
      over 10 years ago by insilmaril | Reply

      For any shareable noises we could create a geeko-group group on soundcloud.com

    • sndirsch
      over 10 years ago by sndirsch | Reply

      I can also bring a Cajon, if anybody wants to play with it. I can't, basically since I don't have a place where I could practice. :-(

      • rmax
        over 10 years ago by rmax | Reply

        Yes, please. I'd have loved to have a Cajon at hand when we were at Burg Waischenfeld, but I don't (yet) have one myself.

    • Cbran
      over 10 years ago by Cbran | Reply

      I will bring my saxophones and also have a M-Audio Axiom. I could also bring a Cajon if anybody is interested.

    • xgonzo
      over 10 years ago by xgonzo | Reply

      Haven't touched keys for long long time - a chance to see if I forgotten all or some small memory is still there.

    • wstephenson
      over 10 years ago by wstephenson | Reply

      I'm almost completely unmusical, but I want to hack on Sonic Pi (http://sonic-pi.net/), removing raspbian hardcoded hacks, packaging it for openSUSE and maybe making some sound.

    • osynge
      over 10 years ago by osynge | Reply

      This project of mine almost fits inside this meta project https://hackweek.suse.com/11/projects/334

    • sndirsch
      over 10 years ago by sndirsch | Reply

      Anyone aware of a chord recognition program for Linux or Android? There is chordec for iphone, but I'm using Android/Linux. For Android there is Anysong, no longer updated since 2012, which no longer works with recent Android version ("File format unsupported"), apparently due to a permission problem according to 'adb logcat'.

      • sndirsch
        over 10 years ago by sndirsch | Reply

        Apparently this permission problem doesn't exist yet with Android 4.2.2. I was using Android 4.4 before. So it works with local files on the media. It doesn't work with Youtube files. I guess the URL is just wrong, which the app is trying to use.

    • duwe
      over 10 years ago by duwe | Reply

      Yesterday I packaged "bristol", a collection of classic, professional Synths emulated. Note that you not only have to master your MIDI keyboard, but also the countless knobs, sliders and buttons. https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/home:duwe/bristol

    • dmacvicar
      over 10 years ago by dmacvicar | Reply

      Guys, thanks a lot for those who participated, especially Ralf and James for organizing everything, Martin for the drums. I learned a lot! I hope this repeats soon!

      • sndirsch
        over 10 years ago by sndirsch | Reply

        I can only second that. Thanks a lot, guys! Had a lot of fun this week. :-)

    • sndirsch
      over 10 years ago by sndirsch | Reply

      Did anyone take photos or even audio/video recordings?

    • cboltz
      almost 10 years ago by cboltz | Reply

      You should definitively present the result of this project at the openSUSE conference ;-)

    • sndirsch
      over 9 years ago by sndirsch | Reply

      Seems the video has been removed from the server meanwhile. Inside SUSE you can still download from this location: https://w3.suse.de/~jmichel/HackWeek%2012%20-%20SUSE%20Musicians.webm

    • dwaas
      about 9 years ago by dwaas | Reply

      Any musicians in Prague? :P

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