www.opensuse.org is the single most accessed page in the SUSE/openSUSE universe. With 1.5 million visits per month it generates 2.5 million page views and has around 500 people on the page at any given time. Yet it's one of the oldest, crufty pages we have!
It doesn't concentrate on what it should do: Tell people about the distro so they download it. It's design is 5 years old, it's not mobile, it's not accessible. There is absolutely no interactive, engaging content at all and the technology used goes as far as a shell script/cron to update dynamic content.
To sum it up: It s***s through a straw!
This project is about coming up with a new prototype that mitigates all these problems and can be proposed to the openSUSE Project.
- We have worked together on this trello board
- A first raw draft of what we have come up with is browseable here
- The code is on openSUSE/www.o.o
- Screenshot:
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Hack Week 10 Hack Week 11
over 11 years ago by lrupp | Reply
Why not redirecting to a wiki portal? * simple * allows updates at any time * needs no special HTML-, CSS-, ... hacking skills
over 11 years ago by hennevogel | Reply
A wiki portal would even be worse I. Look at the landing pages for ubuntu, OS X or Windows. This is how you convert users to your product, not by a wiki portal.
over 10 years ago by RBrownSUSE | Reply
If people are working on this this hackweek (interstellar) I'd like to see the landing page better reflect all the offerings under the openSUSE Project umbrella - the main Distribution, Factory, OBS, openQA, etc etc. obviously some are more important than others, but right now the current page focuses so much on just the main distribution it produces a whole bunch of cracks for potential users and contributors of our other stuff to slip through.
over 10 years ago by MarcusMoeller | Reply
On a redesign, the new branding guidelines by Ken, could also be applied. Would be a great start for 13.2, btw.
over 10 years ago by lrupp | Reply
> reflect all the offerings under the openSUSE Project umbrella
Would be a lot of stuff you want to mention on one single page ;-) but I guess many others already tried something similar in the wiki by "simply" searching for all the subdomains under opensuse.org.
Maybe a dynamic menu could help here? http://creative-punch.net/2014/02/making-animated-radial-menu-css3-javascript/
But please help those guys who are not using Javascript...
Some SEO improvements might also be a good idea.
over 10 years ago by hennevogel | Reply
Btw the current landing page is here: https://github.com/openSUSE/landing-page
over 10 years ago by hennevogel | Reply
Just booked NUE-Visitors-Prague for 3 days straight! Let's make it our Hack Week cave :-)
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WebUI for your data by avicenzi
A single place to view every bit of data you have.
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- Lots of eBooks, TV Shows, Movies, and else.
- Boxes full of papers (taxes, invoices, IDs, certificates, exams, and else).
- Bank account statements (multiple currencies, countries, and people).
Maybe you have some data on S3, some on your NAS, and some on your local PC.
- How do you get it all together?
- How do you link a bank transaction to a product invoice?
- How to tag any object type and create a collection out of it (mix videos, photos, PDFs, transactions)?
- How to store this? file/folder structure does not work, everything is linked together
Project Description
The idea is a place where you can throw all your data, photos, videos, documents, binaries, and else.
Create photo albums, document collections, add tags across multiple file-formats, link content, and else.
The UI should be easy to use, where the data is not important for now (could be all S3 or local drive).
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The closest I found so far is https://perkeep.org/, but this is not what I'm looking for.
Goal for this Hackweek
Create a web UI, in Svelte ideally, perhaps React.
It should be able to show photos and videos at least.
None so far, this is just an idea.