finish the ioq3 arm VMan invention by lnussel I need to finish my work from the last hackweek |
Bootstrap UI for Weblatean invention by mcihar Implement better UI for Weblate using Twitter Bootstrap library. |
Reduce the number of builds in the openSUSE Build Servicea project by dmuhamedagic In case any of the source files changed, openSUSE Build Service rebuilds the dependent packages regardless of whether that particular modification affects the dependency. This makes our resources footprint bigger (and the electrical power bills higher). It also affects users, because every new package build causes the package manager to include that package in the next update thus consuming network bandwidth and resources of users' computers. |
make openSUSE working on Sony Xperia Tablet Za project by sleep_walker Look once again on Xperia Tablet Z and try to have there openSUSE running natively as alternative operating system. |
A SUSE chronicle 0.1a project by rhaidl Talking to people, getting the information about what had happened in the SUSE history, bringing all together to kind of a chronicle. Let's give it a try :-) |
Improve ftpboot for z/VMa project by azouhr Installing linux on z/VM requires some way to punch kernel/initrd/parmfile into the reader which in turn can be booted. In a previous hackweek, I wrote a small tool, that makes it possible to do so directly from the internal ftp server. this has been proven valuable but not perfect. |
SUSE Bug Query Enginea project by LPechacek In short, give second breath to |
List of open github pull request in a card on a team trello boarda project by vlewin Write a simple command line tool for getting the open pull request from github and put it into a trello card. The tool should periodically update a list of pull request. In addition it would be great to have a connection between the trello card and github pull request. |
OpenSUSE support for OpenStack Trainingan invention by dguitarbite OpenSUSE support for OpenStack Training Labs |
experiments with Pebble smartwatch, including writing a SUSECon application for ita project by fcrozat Pebble smartwatch is a nice gadget I own and I'd like to start playing with it at the code level. |
SeaMonkey extension (for forgetting passwords)a project by pcerny SeaMonkey is the successor of the Mozilla Suite. The mail client allows connections over POPv3 and IMAPv4. In some cases one wants to leave the program running for longer periods of time, but once the mail client has password for a mail server it just stays connected. In case of "keep everything on server" profiles this means that the mail may stay accessible even when the machine is left unattended (which it often is). The purpose of the extension is to enable requesting the client to forget mail server passwords, so that the mail is no longer accessible without entering it again. |
bug screening helpera project by bmwiedemann The Problem: many bugs filed for openSUSE go to the screening-team by default and often remain there for weeks, so that developers (who would be interested in analyzing or fixing these bugs) do not learn about them. However, the screening process is a hard one |
app localization visualizeran invention by sbrabec Tracking and fixing translations in modern applications is a surprisingly complicated task. Visible strings often come from several projects, and strings can be processed by a complex formating. The project should extend the current project trace-wrappers to easily display string sources inside the application. |
Get SUSE VPN running on Android (was: get SUSE VPN running on sle12)an invention by sndirsch Figure out how to get SUSE VPN running on Android. |
Finish GCC match-and-simplify workan invention by rguenther In GCC we have multiple intermediate languages and for all of them we do manual pattern matching and replacement. The project uses a domain specific language to unify and simplify those pattern matching and replacing code. |
SSH Connection Managera project by jschmid1 My idea was created out of a need in my current team(Hardware-enablement). Whilst excessive SLE testing on multiple machines i was forced to remember tons of ips to debug remotely. Since i had to reinstall new releases over and over again, ips differ, obviously. |
Gerrit CLI review toola project by iartarisi Gerrit is used for code reviews by openstack and its related projects (e.g. chef cookbooks). The web interface is too slow when you get 100 changes to review each day. It would be nice to have a faster CLI. There are already some python client libraries available. I am thinking about either doing this as a standalone application with python and something like ncurses or an emacs/lighttable plugin. |
Add support for RandR 1.4 (additional GPUs) into KDE display configurationa project by michalsrb Plan |
Support for WiFi-enabled Canon cameras in gphotoa project by michal-m I have a Canon PowerShot S120, which allows for browsing / copying photos over WiFi. There are apps for Android, iOS, and Windows to do that. The protocol uses upnp to discover the camera and the smartphone/computer and them some HTTP-based protocol. I have some code using libupnp for the discovery and a perl script that is capable of transfering one file, but it's far from complete. Plus, I need to refresh my memory, because the last commit is from January :-(. Now, there seems to be some support for such cameras in gphoto already. So the plan is to dive into gphoto and use what I learned about the protocol to fix the gphoto support. |
Moses machine translation performance tuninga project by marxin Moses is a statistical machine translation system that allows you to automatically train translation models for any language pair. Intention of the project is to tune up existing software, where a glimpse shows that majority of time is consumed by memory allocation, dynamic casting and other calculation non-related stuff. I would like to inspect many techniques (like perf profiling, GCC LTO, GCC profile-guided optimization, code refactoring, OpenTuner, etc.) which may bring really significant performance gain. Moreover, it would be really beneficial to come up with a cookbook that can be used by folk in general. If possible, I would like to create a step-by-step performance improvement graphs. |
Modify the Line6 kernel driveran invention by mseidl81 I want to modify the driver so that it:
Elastocloud back-end for Sambaan invention by dmdiss 1) Add support for the Microsoft Azure File Service REST protocol to Elastocloud, a cloud storage client library created in a previous Hackweek. |
All documentation as program codean invention by jsmeix I like to try out if it is possible to write a program that does not have any kind of the traditionally separated documentation (like external files that contain the documentation texts or comments in the program code). Instead all documentation must be implemented as code at the same place where the matching functiomnality is implemented (i.e. each function implements also its documentation). In the end the user should get only the executable that he can run to let it do the intended functionality and also to provide any kind of documentation. What I do not want is a dumb '--help' option that lets the program spit out its built-in documentation. What I would like to have is that the user can run the executable in some kind of self-inspecting way. I mean: While it does the intended functionality, it can also provide documentation so that the user can explore the program while running it. In the end the user experience should be more like a text adventure ;-) |
Voxel exploration gamean invention by KGronlund The idea is to play around with a minecraft-like block exploration game, written from scratch in C using SDL2 and OpenGL 3.0. Minimal dependencies, probably won't be a game as such before the end of the week, but the goal is to have a world generated and to be able to walk around in it. Why? Mainly to refresh my 3D knowledge, catch up with what's happened since I last played with that stuff, and to have fun. :) |
Internal SUSE webzinea project by cyberiad The idea is to have an internal web page that mainly presents new SUSE employees or the ones you might not know yet. Other topics can be covered like reports about hack week projects or other interesting stuff apart from the daily work we all do. |