My idea was created out of a need in my current team(Hardware-enablement). Whilst excessive SLE testing on multiple machines i was forced to remember tons of ips to debug remotely. Since i had to reinstall new releases over and over again, ips differ, obviously.
My approach to make life easier would be to create a simple cli to manage and administrate multiple connections on my local machine.
Add ips
sorted by frequency
small note / description
prefered user
option e.g. -X, -p etc.
ssh-manager -a prefered_user@10.120.x.x -o optional_parameter
1: your | notes, prefered user parameter
2: various | notes, prefered user parameter
3: ips | notes, prefered user parameter
There are several other solutions to this problem but i could not find the exact same approach.
There is POV [a] and many many more..
Will be implemented either in ruby or in C(ncurses)
basic functionlity
search by
connect to multiple ips with given criteria
support for xfce4-terminal, gnome-terminal, xterm, uxrvt
settings: open each connection in tabs or in new windows
connect options: [-X, -L etc..]
autodeploy sshkey to machine.
disable securelogin: ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no peter@
add rpsec tests
add proper documentation
sudo gem install ssh-manager
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over 10 years ago by jschmid1 | Reply
Ye, this would be a solution. imho, the next-level implementation would be to make it client-server based to have all your settings extern so you can access your configuration from wherever you want. But i dot think i can make it in 1 week, since iam not that experienced and therefore kinda slow :) but thanks for mentioning ;>
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