Once again I am going to use my hackweek project to work on WSP, this time I want to concentrate on 4 areas that possible will help in getting this project accepted upstream (at least as some experimental feature)

  • A test client for doing basic searches (easy to target at windows but will work against the experimental WSP server too)
  • Start creating some torture tests around basic parts of the protocol, unfortunately I don't as yet see how to integrate with tracker in the torture test environment but would like make a start at least on the basic tests
  • Package a functioning samba with working WSP server with minimal manual steps (some manual steps are needed to set up a tracker system service... but I hope that it might be possible to create a special rpm to do this, I know nothing -> little about spec files, packaging etc. so this could be interesting to me as a learning experience
  • Tweak some bits and pieces e.g. some quoting in search terms causes problems, sorting should be supported (e.g. sort by name, date or someother column that is returned)

Looking for hackers with the skills:

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This project is part of:

Hack Week 14


  • almost 8 years ago: tmuniz8 started this project.
  • over 8 years ago: npower originated this project.

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