whenenv is designed to keep the branching involved in build and functional test scripts from growing out of control.

You specify a list of environment variables and whenenv will then try and reuse existing scrimps to process the request.

If it fails to find suitable scripts you should specify some minium script.

When launching whenenv, always specify the PRODUCT environment variable. The components of the build are isolated and reusable.

whatenv is a script to buildup and tear down clusters of virtual machines for the purposes of functional testing of cluster software such as ceph with openstack as an IAS provider. They use a steering file to guide the cluster creation, that supports user markup, generating a properties file to allow cluster instalation to be started.

It woudl be nice to integrate these two projects with 0mq to allow the enviroments created by whatenv with whenenv's rich shceduling aproach. If time allows to extend this work with plugable backends to whatenv.

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  • almost 10 years ago: osynge started this project.
  • almost 10 years ago: osynge originated this project.

  • Comments

    • osynge
      almost 10 years ago by osynge | Reply



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