Project Description

UYUNI has the ability to synchronize packages from remote locations. But doesn't have a similar solution for container images. This project aims to add a option to synchronize content between to registries using UYUNI, in a similar way we do we packages today.

If a user already has a local registry, uyuni can be used to synchronize content and work in air-gaped environments.

The goal is not to provide a registry "inside" uyuni.

@MC has developed in the past a formula with forms that deploys and configures a container registry from uyuni.

Goal for this Hackweek

Goal: Recurrently synchronize selected content from one registry to another. Code will be committed to a branch in uyuni repository:


We also have a confluence page at:


We decided to create a definition of a registry synchronization project, with will have a source and target registry, and then a list of images to be synchronized. For each image we can define a list of tags and/or a regex to be applyed and select wich tags should be copied between the two registries.

With this information we can have a periodic task that will use this information and perform the synchronization using the skopeo tool

Day 1:

  • We decided to use skope to perform the operations in the remote registries
  • Add command to list all repositories in a registry:
  • Package the latest skopeo version with the patch for list-repos:
  • Definition of the database model to save registry synchronization data between remote registries

Day 2:

  • Debase design and implementation
  • Integration with skopeo. Front-end API to
    • Get all images/repos from one registry
    • Get all image tags from one registry
  • Create a synchronization definition that can be used to synchronize content. Is the data definition of what should be synchronized
    • Front-end work started
    • XML-API and Json over HTTP API start

Day 3:

  • XML-API and Json over HTTP API in place to create and configure a synchronization unit
  • UI to manage syncronization units under development
  • Task to run the synchronization unit is now generating the yaml file needed for skopeo
    • Still missing the call to skopeo to perform the synchronization

Day 4:

  • Taskomatic task synchronizing images between registry
  • Keep working on front-end support
  • Keep working on API support to configure the synchronization task

Day 5:

  • Investigate how to deal with architectures.
  • Keep working on front-end support
  • XML-RPC and JSON over http API are finished, with full CRUD support to configure synchronization task


  • Endpoint to provide the list of available architectures for: registry+image+tag
  • Endpoint to provide image details for: registry+image+tag+architecture 
  • Support definition of the architecture to synchronize for sync project

Looking for hackers with the skills:

uyuni susemanager registry

This project is part of:

Hack Week 22


  • over 1 year ago: RDiasMateus joined this project.
  • over 1 year ago: RDiasMateus added keyword "uyuni" to this project.
  • over 1 year ago: RDiasMateus added keyword "susemanager" to this project.
  • over 1 year ago: RDiasMateus added keyword "registry" to this project.
  • over 1 year ago: j_renner joined this project.
  • over 1 year ago: j_renner liked this project.
  • over 1 year ago: mcalmer started this project.
  • over 1 year ago: RDiasMateus originated this project.

  • Comments

    • RDiasMateus
      over 1 year ago by RDiasMateus | Reply

      We also have a confluence page at: Day One status:

      • We decided to use skope to perform the operations in the remote registries
      • Add command to list all repositories in a registry:
      • Package the latest skopeo version with the patch for list-repos:
      • Definition of the database model to save registry synchronization data between remote registries

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