Uyuni is an heterogeneous and giant project (actually it is a beast) made of many pieces, many languages, many internal architecture structures, and also very old and new technologies live in it. Said that, and based on the fact Uyuni delivers tons of features/functionalities not all the end users use, it is not trivial at all to understand

  • how the product behaves in production
  • how it works in different environments (customers set up)
  • how it is used
  • which are the most used pieces
  • which are the core functionalities
  • which are the never run code paths
  • ..

If engineers could have such a set of information about the product, they could react and adapt it accordingly.

In the end it's all about feedback data: customers are telling their opinions, supporters as well, sales too, and those are all important overviews, but data is the missing detailed information the development is missing to close the proper implementation loop.

The goal of this initial step is

  • to research about existing solutions
  • understanding whatever should beimplemented in Uyuni
  • get some returned data to analyze
  • store/save data somewhere
  • have the setup POC to analyze the telemetry data
  • demo which type of information could be deducted by that analysis

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This project is part of:

Hack Week 19


  • about 5 years ago: keichwa liked this project.
  • about 5 years ago: dleidi started this project.
  • about 5 years ago: moio liked this project.
  • about 5 years ago: dleidi originated this project.

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