Project Description

As a designated "ambassador" for the Crystal programming language community, this is a project to prepare content, use cases, and small examples to advocate this not-mainstream technology.

Goal for this Hackweek

The main goal of this Hackweek project is to prepare a talk to give at next Google Developers Group DevFest that will be held in Trento :


My side project, an educational testsuite for Crystal Programming Language

Presentation slides are available on

Some old-school graphics demo at

Latest Crystal Conf held in Berlin

Looking for hackers with the skills:

Nothing? Add some keywords!

This project is part of:

Hack Week 23


  • 8 months ago: dvenkatachala liked this project.
  • 10 months ago: ancorgs liked this project.
  • 10 months ago: amanzini started this project.
  • 10 months ago: amanzini originated this project.

  • Comments

    • ancorgs
      10 months ago by ancorgs | Reply

      Cool project. Just for the record, I explored Crystal in the context of YaST (which is written in Ruby) some Hack Week editions ago. I expect a lot has changed since.

      • amanzini
        9 months ago by amanzini | Reply

        That's interesting! Yes, Crystal has made some steps forward, including Windows support add-emoji of course a full rewrite of YaST is not so easy

        • ancorgs
          9 months ago by ancorgs | Reply

          We never aimed for a full rewrite of YaST. But we dreamed with rewriting some of the YaST libraries like Y2Storage.

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