I am planning to upgrade my homelab Kubernetes cluster to the next level and need an OIDC provider for my services, including K8s itself.
- Successfully configure and deploy Kanidm on homelab cluster
- Integrate with K8s auth
- Integrate with other services (Envoy Gateway, Container Registry, future deployment of Forgejo?)
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Hack Week 24
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- Seamless Multi-Cluster Cloning
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Rancher & Kubernetes Docs
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Development Tools
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Building and Installing the Plugin
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- Install the Plugin:
Move the executable to a directory in your
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Ensure the file is executable:
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- Clone a Service into Another Namespace and Modify Labels:
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Screen shot of home page at the end of Hackweek:
Day One
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Day Two
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Days Three and Day Four
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Day Five
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OIDC Loginproxy by toe
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The goal of this Hack Week project is, to create another loginproxy which supports OpenID Connect authentication which can then act as a drop-in replacement for the existing LDAP or SAML loginproxies.
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For anyone who wants to participate in Kanidm, we have documentation and developer guides which can help.
I'm happy to help and share more, so please get in touch!