
Utilize an esp32 + RX5808 + WS2812 LED-stripe to build a "Hold the flag" game, used with any 5Ghz FPV remote control vehicles.

The basic game idea is, you fly with your remote controlled aircraft in the orbit of one of the gates. Once the gate switched to your team color, you need to leave the orbit (otherwise you will loose it). As long as a gate belongs to one of the Teams, the time get counted. Winner is the team with most accumulated time.

The idea is based on the simple fpv timer which will be the code base for this project.


  • Using esp32 with platformio and espidf framework
  • Control RX5808 via SPI and evaluate how fast it is in switching channels to get an feeling on how many channels we can utilize by one RX5808 module.
  • Use a WS2812 LED Stripe to indicate gate status.
  • Use rest API to communicate between single gates and the game controller
  • Use a Web-based front end for configuration
  • Solder a prototype with all components connected to an ESP32 devkit board
  • Have a prototype running

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This project is part of:

Hack Week 24


  • 4 months ago: cfconrad started this project.
  • 4 months ago: cfconrad originated this project.

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