Project Description

The token revoker aims to scan git repos for exposed rancher tokens. Once a token has been identified, the revoker can (based on configuration) warn/disable/delete the exposed token automatically.


  • Warn/Disable/Delete when an exposed token is detected
  • Specify specific repos that you want to watch for exposed tokens
  • Scan private/public repos

Design Overview:

  • Deployed as a helm chart
  • Configuration option for action to be taken on token exposure (warn, disable, delete)
  • Custom CRD for repos that the revoker will watch ("watchRepo"/name TBD)
  • Each time a new "watchRepo" is created, we spin off a go routine which, every 5/10/30 seconds (interval TBD, possibly customizable by user in the CRD or in the chart) scans the repo for exposed tokens.
  • watchRepo should also store configuration allowing the revoker to access private repos (probably a reference to a secret containing ssh key allowing access)
  • The actual logic to scan for a secret should probably utilize an established opensource project such as . We can also contribute upstream by adding a pattern for rancher tokens, allowing a wider benefit to the work done for this project.

Goal for this Hackweek

Basic Goals:

  • Warn/Disable/Delete when an exposed token is detected
  • Scan public and private repos
  • Helm chart/CRD allowing install/use of basic functionality

Stretch Goals:

  • Scan/specify organizations for larger git providers (i.e. scan an entire Github/Gitlab org)
  • Scan Output of CI pipelines (probably for popular providers like drone/travis/circle-ci/github-actions/gitlab-runners)


Upstream project that we can utilize for some of our functionality:

Looking for hackers with the skills:

go helm kuberentes rancher security

This project is part of:

Hack Week 22


  • about 2 years ago: paulgonin liked this project.
  • about 2 years ago: mbolot added keyword "kuberentes" to this project.
  • about 2 years ago: mbolot added keyword "rancher" to this project.
  • about 2 years ago: mbolot added keyword "security" to this project.
  • about 2 years ago: mbolot added keyword "go" to this project.
  • about 2 years ago: mbolot added keyword "helm" to this project.
  • about 2 years ago: mbolot started this project.
  • about 2 years ago: mbolot originated this project.

  • Comments

    • mbolot
      about 2 years ago by mbolot | Reply

      Github repo can be found here:

    • mbolot
      about 2 years ago by mbolot | Reply

      End of Hack Week update: I was able to get done with all basic goals and the github org scanning stretch goal, meaning that the revoker can:

      • Warn/disable/delete exposed tokens
      • Scan public/private repos (over https or ssh)
      • Can be installed using helm
      • Can scan entire github organizations.

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    Goal for this Hackweek

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    • Basic config approach. One single config.yml file with configuration requirements (add/remove features): human readable, plain and simple. All fancy configs managed automatically (ingress, balancers, services, proxy, ...).
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    • Kubernetes official dashboard installed as a plugin, others planned too (k9s for example).
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    Planned features (Wishlist / TODOs)

    • Containerized Data Importer (CDI). Persistent storage management add-on for Kubernetes to provide a declarative way of building and importing Virtual Machine Disks on PVCs for

    Contribute to terraform-provider-libvirt by pinvernizzi


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    It would be good to help the maintainers of this project and give back to the community around it, after all the amazing work that has been already done.

    If you're interested in any of infrastructure automation, Terraform, virtualization, tooling development, Go (...) it is also a good chance to learn a bit about them all by putting your hands on an interesting, real-use-case and complex project.


    • Get more familiar with Terraform provider development and libvirt bindings in Go
    • Solve some issues and/or implement some features
    • Get in touch with the community around the project


    Enabling Rancher as an OIDC Provider by rcabello


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    The purpose of this project is to enable Rancher to function as an OIDC provider, allowing Rancher's local cluster to act as an OIDC identity provider for downstream clusters. This setup will allow users to authenticate directly with downstream clusters without relying on Rancher’s proxy and impersonation mechanisms.

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    This approach also facilitates integration with third-party tools (e.g StackState)


    • Implement Rancher as an OIDC provider using the ORY Fosite library, focusing only on the essential functionality required for basic integration.
    • Enable downstream clusters to authenticate using JWT tokens issued by Rancher.
    • Configure StackState to authenticate using Rancher as an OIDC provider.


    Introducing "Bottles": A Proof of Concept for Multi-Version CRD Management in Kubernetes by aruiz


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    Bottles propose a novel approach to isolating and deploying different CRD versions in a self-contained environment. This would allow for greater flexibility and efficiency in managing diverse workloads.


    • Evaluate Feasibility: determine if this approach is technically viable, as well as identifying possible obstacles and limitations.
    • Reuse existing technology: leverage existing products whenever possible, e.g. build on top of Kubewarden as admission controller.
    • Focus on Rancher's use case: the ultimate goal is to be able to use this approach to solve Rancher users' needs.


    Core concepts:

    • ConfigMaps: Bottles could be defined and configured using ConfigMaps.
    • Admission Controller: An admission controller will detect "bootled" CRDs being installed and replace the resource name used to store them.
    • Aggregated API Server: By analyzing the author of a request, the aggregated API server will determine the correct bottle and route the request accordingly, making it transparent for the user.

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    Non Goals

    We want to apply the microfrontend pattern to the product-level extensions; we don't want to apply it to cluster-level extensions.


    rancher-extension-microfrontend, Rancher extensions

    Cluster API Provider for Harvester by rcase

    Project Description

    The Cluster API "infrastructure provider" for Harvester, also named CAPHV, makes it possible to use Harvester with Cluster API. This enables people and organisations to create Kubernetes clusters running on VMs created by Harvester using a declarative spec.

    The project has been bootstrapped in HackWeek 23, and its code is available here.

    Work done in HackWeek 2023

    • Have a early working version of the provider available on Rancher Sandbox : *DONE *
    • Demonstrated the created cluster can be imported using Rancher Turtles: DONE
    • Stretch goal - demonstrate using the new provider with CAPRKE2: DONE and the templates are available on the repo

    Goals for HackWeek 2024

    • Add support for ClusterClass
    • Add e2e testing
    • Add more Unit Tests
    • Improve Status Conditions to reflect current state of Infrastructure
    • Improve CI (some bugs for release creation)
    • Testing with newer Harvester version (v1.3.X and v1.4.X)
    • Due to the length and complexity of the templates, maybe package some of them as Helm Charts.
    • Other improvement suggestions are welcome!

    DONE in HackWeek 24:

    Thanks to @isim and Dominic Giebert for their contributions!


    Looking for help from anyone interested in Cluster API (CAPI) or who wants to learn more about Harvester.

    This will be an infrastructure provider for Cluster API. Some background reading for the CAPI aspect:

    Longhorn UI Extension (POC) by yiya.chen


    The goal is to create a Longhorn UI extension within Rancher using existing resources.
    Longhorn’s UI is built using React, while Rancher’s UI extensions are built using Vue. Developers will explore different approaches to integrate and extend Longhorn’s UI within Rancher’s Vue-based ecosystem, aiming to create a seamless, functional UI extension.


    • Build a Longhorn UI extension (look and feel)
    • Support theme switching to align with Rancher’s UI




    • Longhorn UI:
    • Rancher UI Extension:
    • darkreader:
    • veaury:
    • module federation:

    CVE portal for SUSE Rancher products by gmacedo


    Currently it's a bit difficult for users to quickly see the list of CVEs affecting images in Rancher, RKE2, Harvester and Longhorn releases. Users need to individually look for each CVE in the SUSE CVE database page - . This is not optimal, because those CVE pages are a bit hard to read and contain data for all SLE and BCI products too, making it difficult to easily see only the CVEs affecting the latest release of Rancher, for example. We understand that certain costumers are only looking for CVE data for Rancher and not SLE or BCI.


    The objective is to create a simple to read and navigate page that contains only CVE data related to Rancher, RKE2, Harvester and Longhorn, where it's easy to search by a CVE ID, an image name or a release version. The page should also provide the raw data as an exportable CSV file.

    It must be an MVP with the minimal amount of effort/time invested, but still providing great value to our users and saving the wasted time that the Rancher Security team needs to spend by manually sharing such data. It might not be long lived, as it can be replaced in 2-3 years with a better SUSE wide solution.


    • The page must be simple and easy to read.
    • The UI/UX must be as straightforward as possible with minimal visual noise.
    • The content must be created automatically from the raw data that we already have internally.
    • It must be updated automatically on a daily basis and on ad-hoc runs (when needed).
    • The CVE status must be aligned with VEX.
    • The raw data must be exportable as CSV file.
    • Ideally it will be written in Go or pure Shell script with basic HTML and no external dependencies in CSS or JS.

    Kanidm: A safe and modern IDM system by firstyear

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    Kanidm Github

    In addition Kanidm has spawn a number of adjacent projects in the Rust ecosystem such as LDAP, Kerberos, Webauthn, and cryptography libraries.

    In this hack week, we'll be working on Quokca, a certificate authority that supports PKCS11/TPM storage of keys, issuance of PIV certificates, and ACME without the feature gatekeeping implemented by other CA's like smallstep.

    For anyone who wants to participate in Kanidm, we have documentation and developer guides which can help.

    I'm happy to help and share more, so please get in touch!

    Bot to identify reserved data leak in local files or when publishing on remote repository by mdati


    Scope here is to prevent reserved data or generally "unwanted", to be pushed and saved on a public repository, i.e. on Github, causing disclosure or leaking of reserved informations.

    The above definition of reserved or "unwanted" may vary, depending on the context: sometime secret keys or password are stored in data or configuration files or hardcoded in source code and depending on the scope of the archive or the level of security, it can be either wanted, permitted or not at all.

    As main target here, secrets will be registration keys or passwords, to be detected and managed locally or in a C.I. pipeline.


    • Detection:

      • Local detection: detect secret words present in local files;
      • Remote detection: detect secrets in files, in pipelines, going to be transferred on a remote repository, i.e. via git push;
    • Reporting:

      • report the result of detection on stderr and/or log files, noticed excluding the secret values.
    • Acton:

      • Manage the detection, by either deleting or masking the impacted code or deleting/moving the file itself or simply notify it.


    • Project repository, published on Github (link): m-dati/hkwk24;
    • Reference folder: hkwk24/chksecret;
    • First pull request (link): PR#1;
    • Second PR, for improvements: PR#2;
    • and documentation files available in the repo root;
    • Test subproject repository, for testing CI on push [TBD].


    We use here some examples of secret words, that still can be improved.
    The various patterns to match desired reserved words are written in a separated module, to be on demand updated or customized.

    [Legend: TBD = to be done]

    Contributing to Linux Kernel security by pperego


    A couple of weeks ago, I found this blog post by Gustavo Silva, a Linux Kernel contributor.

    I always strived to start again into hacking the Linux Kernel, so I asked Coverity scan dashboard access and I want to contribute to Linux Kernel by fixing some minor issues.

    I want also to create a Linux Kernel fuzzing lab using qemu and syzkaller


    1. Fix at least 2 security bugs
    2. Create the fuzzing lab and having it running

    The story so far

    • Day 1: setting up a virtual machine for kernel development using Tumbleweed. Reading a lot of documentation, taking confidence with Coverity dashboard and with procedures to submit a kernel patch
    • Day 2: I read really a lot of documentation and I triaged some findings on Coverity SAST dashboard. I have to confirm that SAST tool are great false positives generator, even for low hanging fruits.
    • Day 3: Working on trivial changes after I read this blog post: I have to take confidence with the patch preparation and submit process yet.
      • First trivial patch sent: using strtruefalse() macro instead of hard-coded strings in a staging driver for a lcd display
      • Fix for a dereference before null check issue discovered by Coverity (CID 1601566)
    • Day 4: Triaging more issues found by Coverity.
      • The patch for CID 1601566 was refused. The check against the NULL pointer was pointless so I prepared a version 2 of the patch removing the check.
      • Fixed another dereference before NULL check in iwlmvmparsewowlaninfo_notif() routine (CID 1601547). This one was already submitted by another kernel hacker :(
    • Day 5: Wrapping up. I had to do some minor rework on patch for CID 1601566. I found a stalker bothering me in private emails and people I interacted with me, advised he is a well known bothering person. Markus Elfring for the record.
    • Wrapping up: being back doing kernel hacking is amazing and I don't want to stop it. My battery pack is completely drained but changing the scope gave me a great twist and I really want to feel this energy not doing a single task for months.

      I failed in setting up a fuzzing lab but I was too optimistic for the patch submission process.

    The patches


    VulnHeap by r1chard-lyu


    The VulnHeap project is dedicated to the in-depth analysis and exploitation of vulnerabilities within heap memory management. It focuses on understanding the intricate workflow of heap allocation, chunk structures, and bin management, which are essential to identifying and mitigating security risks.


    • Familiarize with heap
      • Heap workflow
      • Chunk and bin structure
      • Vulnerabilities
    • Vulnerability
      • Use after free (UAF)
      • Heap overflow
      • Double free
    • Use Docker to create a vulnerable environment and apply techniques to exploit it

