Setup a new openQA on more powerful serveran idea by JNa Description
Learn go HTML templates by creating a interactive website rendered on the servera record by ptashima DescriptionGolang HTML templates are powerful, yet simple to use. It can be used to dynamically render pages and create interactive websites without or with minimal usage of JavaScript. |
Study SPDKa project by chinyahuang DescriptionThe SPDK is used for Longhorn v2 volumes. This project aims to explore the SPDK codebase to understand its functionality and architecture. |
Calendar TUI with GCal supporta project by malikirri |
Small healthcheck tool for Longhorna project by mbrookhuis |
Rancher/k8s Trouble-Makeran invention by tonyhansen |
Build a GUI with Godota project by Servus007 DescriptionThe main goal is to discover Godot options not to build only games, but also creating GUI with it. |
Better diff'ing experiencean idea by MSirringhaus DescriptionFor diff-ing directories, I usually like to use meld, but it struggles a lot with large trees. |
consider xli necessitya project by pgajdos Descriptionxli is SUSE's own fork of XLoadImage |
Lawndon - Recycled electric mower converted into a 3D printable and autonomous hill climbing mower.a project by jordonleach Description |
OIDC Loginproxya project by toe DescriptionReverse proxies can be a useful option to separate authentication logic from application logic. SUSE and openSUSE use "loginproxies" as an authentication layer in front of several services. |
Re-Setup and test openSUSE video equipmenta project by mstrigl Setup the video equipment and reinstall all devices |
util-linux-testsuitea project by sbrabec DescriptionThe current util-linux package contains a lot of tests. These tests are called during the build process. But the build environment is limited, and many of the tests cannot be ran properly. |
Harvester Packer Plugina project by mrohrich DescriptionHashicorp Packer is an automation tool that allows automatic customized VM image builds - assuming the user has a virtualization tool at their disposal. To make use of Harvester as such a virtualization tool a plugin for Packer needs to be written. With this plugin users could make use of their Harvester cluster to build customized VM images, something they likely want to do if they have a Harvester cluster. |
Hacking on Profanitya project by mvetter Description |
Focus on web security for OpenSUSE projectsa project by emanuelecappello Description |
Create an Android app for Syncthing as part of the Syncthing Tray projecta project by mkittler DescriptionThere's already an app but code/features already in Syncthing Tray could be reused to create a nicer app with additional features like managing ignore patterns more easily. The additional UI code for the app could then in turn be re-used by other parts of Syncthing Tray, e.g. to implement further steps in the wizard as requested by some users. This way one "UI wrapper codebase" could serve GNU/Linux, Windows and Android (and in theory MacOS) at the same time which is kind of neat. |
Contribute to terraform-provider-libvirta project by pinvernizzi Description |
ReaR upstream janitor work towards a new releasea project by jsmeix Preparations towards release of ReaR 2.8 |
Learn about OSB and contribute to `kustomize` and `k9s` packages to add ARM archa project by dpock DescriptionThere are already |
VulnHeapa project by r1chard-lyu DescriptionThe VulnHeap project is dedicated to the in-depth analysis and exploitation of vulnerabilities within heap memory management. It focuses on understanding the intricate workflow of heap allocation, chunk structures, and bin management, which are essential to identifying and mitigating security risks. |
Improve UML page fault handlera project by ptesarik DescriptionImprove UML handling of segmentation faults in kernel mode. Although such page faults are generally caused by a kernel bug, it is annoying if they cause an infinite loop, or panic the kernel. More importantly, a robust implementation allows to write KUnit tests for various guard pages, preventing potential kernel self-protection regressions. |
Smarter Home with Home Assistantan idea by JonathanKang DescriptionIn previous hackweek, I setup a few automations and integrations that made my life easier. I had a few ideas to improve the current status, so I'd like to implement them in this hackweek. |
More sophisticated KMP cleanup in `zypper purge-kernels`a project by mlandres DescriptionKMPs get removed automatically as soon as the last kernel providing their requirements is purged. |
Hacking on sched_exta project by flonnegren Description |