Officially Become a Kernel Hacker!an invention by m.crivellari DescriptionMy studies as well my spare time are dedicated to the Linux Kernel. |
RISC-V emulator in GLSL capable of running Linuxan invention by favogt Description |
Technical talks at universitiesan invention by agamez Description |
Bootstrap openSUSE on LoongArcha project by glaubitz Description |
Install Uyuni on Kubernetes in cloud-native wayan invention by cbosdonnat Description |
Port Agama's manager to Rusta project by IGonzalezSosa Initially, the Agama D-Bus service was written 100% in Ruby. For many things, it relies on YaST, so it makes sense to use the same language. It was great to have something working quickly, but it also had some drawbacks. The main problem is that, as YaST is not thread-safe, we separated the service into different processes (storage, software, localization, etc.). The system became most responsive but at the cost of eating a lot of RAM. |
Saline (state deployment control and monitoring tool for SUSE Manager/Uyuni)an invention by vizhestkov |
Model checking the BPF verifiera project by shunghsiyu Project Description |
Hack on rich terminal user interfacesan invention by amanzini DescriptionTUIs (Textual User Interface) are a big classic of our daily workflow. |
Software for musicians / guitarists and their integration in Aeonan invention by fcrozat DescriptionAs a beginner in playing guitar, I'm discovering the wonderful world of music software on Linux. |