Saltboot ability to deploy OEM imagesan idea by oholecek Description |
Sandarium Smart Lighthousean idea by FSzekely Description |
Daily Game With Godota project by zzaimeche Description |
Agama installer on-line demoa project by lslezak Description |
Contribute to crust-gatheran invention by tneau Descriptioncrust-gather is a great tool to collect state information on a Kubernetes cluster, to be later able to serve it offline. This eases troubleshooting of CI workflows on cloud-native apps. |
Understand and maybe implement optimal solution finder for Rubik's Cube using IDA* algorithman invention by aschnell The Rubik's Cube celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. The goal of this hackweek project is to understand the IDA* (the star is part |
Create a web UI for metrics collection scriptsa project by mpavuk Description |
Enhancements of Linux kernel debugging toolsa project by firoyang DescriptionImprove our daily used debugging tools: crash-utility, drgn, kdump, makedumpfile, and so on. |