USB storage plumbing for the Linux Kernel Libraryan invention by dmdiss This project builds on my previous efforts to plumb the Linux Kernel Library (LKL) into USB storage devices. This time I plan on mostly ignoring Android and will instead focus on lklfuse USB support. |
Learn SDAF frameworkan idea by llzhao DescriptionSDAF is the SAP deployment automation framework on Azure. It is an open-source tool for deploying, installing and maintaining SAP environments. It uses terraform + Ansible for deployment. |
Hack robotic vacuum cleaneran invention by frantisek.simorda DescriptionGet rid of factory cloud integration of robotic vacuum cleaner and install Valetudo |
fork & exec operations though io_uringa project by gbertazi Description |
Emulate a 68k on x86a project by BLandorff DescriptionIn C++ and x86 assembly, build an Emulator for Motorola 68000. |
gnome-kiosk runs in containeran invention by xiaoguang_wang DescriptionBuild a container with gnome-kiosk running on wayland, and it can run with the firefox kiosk container. |
getting started with LoRaWANan invention by rfrohl DescriptionGet started with LoRaWAN and play with the hardware I have lying around for ages. |