Although SFTP is the preferred choice for non-public text-based file transfers, some agencies still use FTP. ProFTPD and VSFTPD are among the two top brands of FTP that include a Chrooting system. ProFTPD focuses more on public FTP, such that you can chroot based on a simple path (a la any anonymous FTP). VSFTPD gives the flexibility of chrooting each user into a jail based on the user's home directory. The chrooting system is based on a file in which one specifies the users that you want to chroot. Maintaining this file is key to the chroot system included with VSFTPD. This becomes a problem if one has over 1000 users that need to be maintained (added,removed,changed). This project will provide a chroot system based on a group membership, in which you specify the group that you want chrooted, and when you want a user chrooted, you can easily put them into the group.

NOTE: VSFTPD ( has not been maintained since 2012. I've attempted to contact the currently listed developers for taking over and maintaining the project, but have yet to hear a response.

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  • almost 10 years ago: HaxxonHAx originated this project.

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