
systemd v257 comes with a nice new technology: varlink With soft-reboot, the rebootmgr dbus interface needs a clean rewrite anyways, so change that to sd-varlink. Problem: sd-varlink in systemd v257 is not documented, Lennarts comment: who is interested to use that should look at the code.


Have at least a minimal server/client with polkit authentication running.



  • At first fix upstream to make a simple non-systemd App linking against sd-varlink, PR:
  • First communication to get rebootmgr status:
    # echo "{}" | varlinkctl call /tmp/rebootmgr.socket org.openSUSE.rebootmgr.Status
       "RebootStatus" : 1,
       "RebootMethod" : "soft-reboot"
  • Server communication is fully implemented (except one sd_json problem...), client can at least trigger a reboot:
    # ./rebootmgrd -d
    Starting rebootmgrd (rebootmgr) 3.0...
    Varlink method "Reboot" called...
    Reboot request: 1, force: 0
    # ./rebootmgrctl reboot
    method=1, forced=0
    Segmentation fault (core dumped)
    Ok, who cares that the client seg.faults at the end, the main thing is the machine will reboot add-emoji
  • rebootmgrctl [status|status --full|reboot|cancel] is implemented and works:
    Starting rebootmgrd (rebootmgr) 3.0...
    Varlink method "Reboot" called...
    Reboot request: reboot, force: false
    Reboot in 18310 seconds at Sat 2024-11-23 03:59:43 CET
    Varlink method "Cancel" called...
    Varlink method "Reboot" called...
    Reboot request: reboot, force: false
    Reboot in 18595 seconds at Sat 2024-11-23 04:04:46 CET
    time_handler called
  • polkit: the sd-varlink polkit authentication support is systemd internal, so needs another 1-2 hackweeks to write support from scratch.

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  • 4 months ago: kukuk started this project.
  • 4 months ago: kukuk originated this project.

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