over 1 year
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Project Description
Learn some deep learning Project from github
Deep learning developed so fast that used by different industry area.
I have a laptop with nvidia video card,just try to setup and run some project use deeplearning.
Goal for this Hackweek
Setup the DL training ENV.
Run the demo for the DL project
1 Voice clone : https://github.com/babysor/MockingBird base on Real-Time-Voice-Cloning. give a small voice , and generate voice by the text input.
1 Setup Training env --ok
2 Import Pre-Trainig data . (init start)
3 Train synthesizer with your dataset (take log time)
2 Real-ESRGAN (up scale pic or video) base on SRGAN
Real-ESRGAN git@github.com:xinntao/Real-ESRGAN.git
ailab git@github.com:bilibili/ailab.git (up scale pic or video)
1 Setup env ok
2 generate some up scale pic
3 https://github.com/deezer/spleeter
extral vocals and accompaniment
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This project is part of:
Hack Week 22
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