
  • Pick up a programming language that you wish to learn.
    • If you don't know which language to choose, try to pick up one that broadens your horizons.
    • From now on, let's refer to that language as Foobar.
  • Don't be afraid if this is your first time touching Foobar: just relax and have fun. add-emoji


Warming up

  • Start reading Wikipedia article on Foobar, paying attention to:
    • which paradigms Foobar follows.
    • design decisions: what kind of problems Foobar aims to solve?
  • Complete an introductory course 'a la' Foobar in 20 minutes.
  • There must be good introductory videos on youtube; try some add-emoji

Get your hands dirty

  • Complete codecademy free online course for Foobar (if available).
  • Find and practice as much katas for Foobar as you can.
  • Get familiar with Foobar common idioms and libraries.
  • Solve problems from platforms like hackerrank, codewars, etc using Foobar (if available).:wrench:

Go beyond

  • Embrace its community: join relevant Slack/IRC channels and/or e-mail list.
  • Study source code of popular (i.e. starred) projects using Foobar.
    • Maybe you find something to improve or you fix a bug: contribute with a patch! add-emoji
  • Think if Foobar could help to improve some areas of your work repositories.


  • You've realized the beauty inside that language. add-emoji
  • You've learned new points of view to approach problems. add-emoji
  • Maybe you have found areas where the use of Foobar could improve your work. add-emoji
  • You've enjoyed Foobar that much that you are eager to keep hacking it beyond this week. add-emoji

Looking for hackers with the skills:

Nothing? Add some keywords!

This project is part of:

Hack Week 19


  • about 5 years ago: ccalancha originated this project.

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