Crafting Company Resources That Bridge All Roles Four months ago, I joined a Rancher by SUSE. Coming from a design background, I realized I needed to understand Kubernetes deep enough to fully contribute to our work. However, finding resources tailored for non-engineering professionals was a challenge. They were either too technical or too simple. This gap inspired my Hack Week project: to create a simple, visually engaging resource that explains Kubernetes in relatable terms but still tries to dive into some level of complexity. The result is this webpage, a beginner-friendly introduction to Kubernetes. It’s designed to simplify core concepts using analogies and visuals, making it easier for team members without an engineering background.

Figma, VS Code, Framer.

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Hack Week 24


  • about 2 months ago: djais liked this project.
  • about 2 months ago: anna.t started this project.
  • about 2 months ago: anna.t originated this project.

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