Kimchi is an HTML5 based management tool for KVM. It is designed to make it as easy as possible to get started with KVM and create your first guest. Kimchi manages KVM guests through libvirt. The management interface is accessed over the web using a browser that supports HTML5.

Its installation and configuration does not adapt to work very well with SLES, although it fully supports openSUSE Leap.

I will do:

1) Streamline Kimchi installation on SLES

2) Automate its installation and configuration process by using script

3) Login and Play

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Hack Week 19


  • about 5 years ago: waynechen55 originated this project.

  • Comments

    • waynechen55
      about 5 years ago by waynechen55 | Reply

      Automated installaton scrip on SLES:

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