11 months
2 hacker ♥️.
Approximate an alternative for Trello boards within Jira
- Provide an alternative Setup for long term Trello users within our Jira installation
- It should be a self serviceable and low barrier board setup within Jira with low to zero Jira Admin interaction needed
- While emulating the whole behavior is impossible we should have a widely accepted coverage of the major functionality
- Optional and more then welcome would be the possibility to migrate/import existing Trello boards with the majority of the content.
Goal for this Hackweek
Adress all issue listed under 'Jira-2404 : Replicate Trello boards in Jira'
That means, having a working protoype running under https://jira-devel.suse.de/browse/TRELLO . In details:
- Being able to create a new board by creating an issue type 'Board' and answering all the questions
- Being able to create a card by creating an issue of type 'Card' assigned to a previously created 'Board'
- Controlling visibility and readability of all cards through the associated 'Board'
- Having a standard agile board
- Supporting up to 16 columns (The used Jira workfllow is limiting this, so no law of nature ;-) )
Looking for hackers with the skills:
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Hack Week 23
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