Let's do what we can to get https://github.com/openSUSE/fuel-ignition running as ignite.opensuse.org respectively ignite-stage.opensuse.org
Project Description
Ignition and combustion are currently one of top picks for first-boot configuration used in MicrOS, SLE Micro, Leap Micro etc ... We'd like to have fuel-ignition, a client-side generator of ignition USB images hosted as ignite-stage.opensuse.org and optionally ignite.opensuse.org if we can make it. opensuse-heroes ticket is here https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/111452
This especially help new users, who might struggle with the new way to deploy images. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ft8UVx9elKc
Goal for this Hackweek
Build official container for fuel-ignition probably within https://build.opensuse.org/project/show/openSUSE:infrastructure
Co-operate with opensuse-admin team to deploy it under ignite-stage.opensuse.org container style deployment was agreed with Bernhard and cboltz on openSUSE Conference 2022 in Z-Bau
- Somebody who wants to build container for the first time
- Somebody from openSUSE heroes to help deploy it and do port forwarding from e.g. 3000 in container to 80 on host poo#111452
Looking for hackers with the skills:
heroes containers ignition combustion opensuseheroes opensuse nodejs
This project is part of:
Hack Week 21
over 2 years ago by malcolmlewis | Reply
@lkocman Hi, I'm not sure of the process here I can liaise with the Heroes folks to set up the OBS container if needed?
over 2 years ago by malcolmlewis | Reply
It seems to me the container setup is needed on openSUSE:infrastructure first, then can branch and work on the container build?
over 2 years ago by malcolmlewis | Reply
Hi So trying to build a container is umm frustrating
Following this: https://openbuildservice.org/help/manuals/obs-user-guide/cha.obs.build_containers.html
And searching here for nodejs https://registry.opensuse.org/cgi-bin/cooverview?srch_term=project%3D%5E%28%3F%21%28open%29%3FSUSE%3A%7Ckubic%3A%7Chome%3A%29
I expected the following to work on OBS?
FROM devel/bci/sle-15-sp3/images/bci/nodejs
Changed from;
FROM registry.suse.com/bci/nodejs
Or is there another way to pull nodejs from the Dockerfile or another container?
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