My goal is build on Alberto's work on "yomi" and the new Salt-based virtualization management features that Cedric has contributed, then combine them with a Redfish prototype to do the following from one (ideally idempotent) Salt state (orchestration state if required):

  • mount the installation media via Redfish
  • power-cycle the machine via Redfish as needed
  • use yomi to install the virtualization host
  • use yomi and Salt virtualization states to deploy a bunch of VMs that will be our Kubernetes nodes
  • use yomi and/or skuba to create a Kubernetes cluster

The goal isn't to get this done perfectly well, but to learn about the potential challenges, especially with the end-to-end integration into Salt.

Looking for hackers with the skills:

salt saltstack yomi kubernetes

This project is part of:

Hack Week 18


  • almost 5 years ago: joachimwerner liked this project.
  • almost 5 years ago: joachimwerner added keyword "yomi" to this project.
  • almost 5 years ago: joachimwerner added keyword "kubernetes" to this project.
  • almost 5 years ago: joachimwerner added keyword "salt" to this project.
  • almost 5 years ago: joachimwerner added keyword "saltstack" to this project.
  • almost 5 years ago: joachimwerner started this project.
  • almost 5 years ago: joachimwerner originated this project.

  • Comments

    • joachimwerner
      almost 5 years ago by joachimwerner | Reply

      First day results aren't that great. While I can communicate fine with my Redfish test system, I've learned that hard way that the one thing Redfish can't do well out of the box is exactly what I was planning to do: Mount a remote ISO to boot from it. There are vendor-specific extensions in some of the very latest Redfish implementations, but this really sucks a bit. :-(

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