Project description

I do have a proof-of-concept stardict compatible dictionary app that is absurdly fast on today's hardware that I want to finish.

I did start with minimalistics stardict parser and lookup library then wrote a simple gfxprim application on the top of that.

Goal for this Hackweek

I'm currently working on better text markup parsing and paragraph justification for the widget that shows the translation and description.

The gpdict application can now only search the first dictionary it finds, that has to be fixed and I'm also thinking of adding functionality that would allow user to download dictionaries from a pre-defined locations.

The last step will be packaging the application in buildservice at

Looking for hackers with the skills:

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This project is part of:

Hack Week 22


  • over 1 year ago: pvorel liked this project.
  • over 1 year ago: metan started this project.
  • over 1 year ago: metan originated this project.

  • Comments

    • metan
      over 1 year ago by metan | Reply

      Let me summarize what have been done

      • most of the functionality has been implemented, the application is fully usable at this point
      • dictionary download is work-in-progress but I managed to finish CURL integration into gfxprim widgets
      • the application is packaged at
      • libstardict was fixed to handle big dictionaries properly + a few more fixes

      Generally this has been quite successful hackweek.

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